Today I’m excited to participate in the Bookstagram & Creative Tour for The Falling Star by Imani Josey hosted by MTMC Tours! The Falling Star is the second book in The Blazing Star series & it was released on December 8th, 2020 from Wise Ink.
Now read on below for a review, a bookish quiz + an EPIC International giveaway on Instagram!
The Falling Star by Imani Josey
Series: The Blazing Star #2
Published by Wise Ink on December 8, 2020
Genres: Fantasy, Historical Fiction, YA
Format: Paperback, Kindle
Buy on Amazon
Source: Author, MTMC Tours
I received this book for free from Author, MTMC Tours in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Seventeen-year-old Alexandria White only wants to go home, a wish that would be easier to pull off if home weren’t thousands of years in the future and halfway across the world.
Since her twin sister, Portia, touched an artifact during their history class, she’s been stuck in ancient Egypt surrounded by the unknown: knife-wielding priestesses, soul-consuming Scorpions, and a destiny so terrifying she fled Egypt’s capital city.
Alex has been hiding in plain sight and putting her academic skills to use as a royal tutor in the Nile Delta, an area on the brink of war. When tensions rise between clashing monarchies, everything Alex left behind—the magic that is her birthright, the danger of the Scorpions—is arriving at her door, as well as a major secret.
She’ll have to decide if she will flee again or take a stand and face her future in the past.
What to expect from The Falling Star?
I started reading The Falling Star right after finishing The Blazing Star and let me say that binge reading both books was the best decision ever! The Blazing Star series is AMAZING, I seriously enjoyed every moment of it!
Now in this sequel, our MC is Alexandria, Portia’s incredibly smart twin. She wakes up disoriented and slightly sick after her disagreement with her twin and she doesn’t recognize where she is. After she gets taken cared of by a family, they decide to take her to a nearby Egyptian temple and seek for help. But on their way they get intercepted by a Hyksos sergeant and his soldiers and that’s how Alex suddenly finds herself in her way to a palace where she becomes a tutor to royal children.
Aah, I couldn’t get enough of this book! Alex is such a kind soul, I was always rooting for her. She was constantly fighting for her desperate desire to find Portia and Selene so they could go back home, but at the same time doing her best to fight the evil lurking around. Not to mention that she was also getting to experience her new heka (magic) abilities and learning to control them was not an easy task.
Along the way, we meet several new characters that I really liked. First we have Itet, who is one of the royal kids and she is the sweetest of them all and carries around her pet crocodile! Then there is Suhad who happens to be one of the few friends Alex has on the palace. And last but not least, is general Raia, who I didn’t know what to think of at first but ended up really liking him.
The Falling Star is action packed, fast paced and I loved that among the chaos there was also time for sibling reconciliation and friendship bonds. One of my favorite aspects of this book was that even though Alex is a soft and gentle character, you can see her grow and become the fierce heroine she was all along and I found that inspiring! I cannot wait to continue reading this series and see what comes next in Portia’s, Alexandria’s and Selene’s story!!
Bookish quiz based on The Blazing Star series!
After finishing reading The Falling Star, I was inspired to create a bookish quiz based on the three main characters of The Falling Star series: Portia, Alexandria and Selene!! These three young ladies are seriously the best ❤. Take this quiz to find out which of them you would be if you were ever to travel back in time to ancient Egypt!!
Intl Tour-Wide Giveaway!
Head over to my Instagram account to enter the tour giveaway! Up for grabs: 3 signed copies of The Falling Star by Imani Josey!
Ends on May 29th, 2021. Winner will be announced on @mtmctours’ Instagram account.
Tour Schedule:
May 17
@thereaderandthechef - Bookstagram + Book Blog
May 18
@jenniaahava - Bookstagram
May 19
@paperfury - Boostagram + Book Blog
May 20
@dreaminginpages - Bookstagram
May 21
@bookbriefs - Bookstagram + Book Blog
May 22
@heyhelene14 - Bookstagram
May 23
@readerincolors - Bookstagram + Book Blog
May 24
@dbookishprincess - Bookstagram
@booksenvogue - Bookstagram
May 25
@lilareads_ - Bookstagram + Book Blog
May 26
@a_readof_roses - Bookstagram
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