Stone of Thieves Blog Tour: Review & Giveaway

Posted September 25, 2014 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 6 Comments

Welcome to my stop of the Stone of Thieves Book Tour! Today, I’m happy to share with you my thoughts about this incredible sequel to Robin in the Hood by Diane J. Reed. This series in now a favorite of mine and I hope it becomes a favorite of yours as well. At the end of this post you can also find a tour-wide giveaway that is open Internationally. Enjoy!

Title: Stone of Thieves
Author: Diane J. Reed
Series: Robbin’ Hearts Series #2

Genre: NA Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Bandits Ranch Books, LLC
Published: May 8th, 2014
Page count: 238 pages
Format: eBook
Source: From tour host in exchange for an honest review
Book Summary:
The Stone of Thieves . . . for centuries its magnetic draw has twisted the hearts of ambitious men and women with the promise of power, passion, and intrigue until it fell into the hands of unlikely thieves Robin and her boyfriend Creek. But can they steal their destiny away from the curse that pursues this magnificent ruby heart? As the stone begins to spread its sorcery, Robin races to find her long-lost mother in Italy in the hopes of discovering the truth about her unique gypsy heritage and the ruby heart that is rumored to steal souls. Yet when the desire for this stone by powerful members of her family threatens their very lives, Creek decides to take matters into his own hands to protect Robin, his greatest treasure of all . . .

Stone of Thieves is a sensual, stand-alone new adult novel and the sequel to Robin in the Hood in the Robbin’ Hearts Series. Due to mature themes, readership is advised for ages 17+.

     *The Reader’s Review*

     My rating: 5/5 stars
I SO FRIKIN’ LOVED THIS BOOK. *controls feels* Agh, Stone of Thieves is a stupendous read! I devoured it in just a few hours because I.could.not.stop.reading. I think it took me little over three hours and when I reached the end of it I was definitely not prepared to say goodbye to this book. The plot, the characters and the magic are highly enthralling, making this book a definite page-turner.
Stone of Thieves continues on with Robin’s quest to find her mother with the help of her exceedingly handsome boyfriend, Creek. As they dash of to Venice in search of her, they get themselves into another heart-pumping and dangerous adventure with only their thieving skills and unlikely allies to help them out. If Robin in the Hood was an exhilarating drive, then this one was a mind-blowing, can’t-get-enough journey.
I love how far Robin and Creek have come into their relationship and as characters. They are not the same little thieves I learned to love from the first book, but these incredible people who would do anything to protect those they love. For example, I love how Creek is terrifyingly ready to take a bullet for Robin, because if something happens to her, not only does he loses the love of his life, but he loses his heart as well. For this guy, it’s her and only her his reason to live for. And likewise with Robin, she has a strong heart and when she sets her heart on something, it’s extremely hard for her to let go.
The magical touch in this story, with gypsies and ghosts, was a thumbs-up for me as well. These elements have always intrigued me and I liked how perfect they were for Robin’s and Creek’s story. I don’t know why, but I also found them oddly romantic. Guess it’s because of their role on the story.
But in all seriousness, I demand to read the third book in this series. I must know how it all ends and tie up all the loose ends. Pleeeeease! I want more Creek and Robin, and Creek. Thank god the release date is set for Fall, that means pretty soon, right? I’m counting on it.
About the Author

Diane J. Reed has a Ph.D. in English and a lifelong passion for books—both popular, forgotten & literary—as long as they touch her soul & make her want to tuck them under her pillow at night to remember them in her dreams. She writes novels that are infused with enchantment, where characters dare to break through boundaries and believe in true love. She also has a soft spot for artisans & outlaws of the heart, those who burn brightly to live each day as a gift—because it is! She loves to hear from readers, so feel free to visit Diane J. Reed’s website at or message her here to share the whispers of your spirit.
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6 responses to “Stone of Thieves Blog Tour: Review & Giveaway

  1. Oh, I'm sooooo thrilled you loved Stone of Thieves! Thank you for featuring my novels on your beautiful website & for your sparkling review. Hope your autumn is enchanting & you find more happy reading! 😀

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