Creative Blog Tour: The Conjurers, Rise of the Shadow (Character Q&A + Intl Giveaway!)

Posted July 5, 2021 by Melissa in Blog Tour, MTMC Tours / 0 Comments

Today I’m excited to participate in the Bookstagram & Creative Tour for The Conjurers: Rise of the Shadow by Brian Anderson hosted by MTMC Tours! This MG Fantasy is the first in The Conjurers series published by Crown Books for Young Readers.

Now read on below for an out-of-context Character Q&A  plus an International giveaway!


Rise of the Shadow by Brian Anderson
Series: The Conjurers #1
Published by Crown Books for Young Readers Genres: Fantasy, Middle Grade
Pages: 240
Format: eBook, Paperback
Buy on Amazon|Book Depository|B&N
Source: Author, MTMC Tours

I received this book for free from Author, MTMC Tours in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Siblings Emma and Alex tumble into a secret world where magic is real and skilled illusionists can perform actual tricks--for better or worse.

After their parents vanished, Alex and Emma are sent to live with strict Uncle Mordo. Only Emma's pet rabbit, Pimawa, keeps them company. But when flying skeletons called Rag-o-Rocs storm their once-quiet home, the kids escape just in time with Pimawa leading the way.

The rabbit takes the siblings to the Conjurian, a land where magic exists and Pimawa can talk. But the Conjurian is in trouble. Magic has been disappearing, and the Shadow Conjurer, the most mysterious sorcerer of all, is on the hunt for the Eye of Dedi, an object so powerful it could destroy the Conjurian and human worlds. The battle to control all magic has begun. There's only one problem: Alex and Emma don't have any!

Out-of-context Character Q&A with Alex from the Conjurers!

(Answers taken from the pages of an eARC of The Conjurers: Rise of the Shadow)

Hi Alex! Welcome to my blog, The Reader and the Chef! Super excited to have you here for an out-of-context interview. Let’s get started, shall we?

What was your first reaction when arriving to the land of the Conjurian?

He didn’t know where he was or how he’d gotten here. That terrifying skeleton monster had been stalking him down the tunnel, and he’d been backing away, expecting to bump into Emma at any second. Emma had yelled something crazy about her rabbit, and then—whoosh! It had been like he’d slipped onto a waterslide, except it was a waterslide made out of warm blue light.

And when he was done sliding, he was here. Wherever here was.

The fog was so thick that he could barely see his own hands. He couldn’t see his feet. There might be a cliff three feet ahead of him, and he wouldn’t know about it until he was falling.

What did you think about the leviathan that you first encountered in this world?

Okay. This was obviously a hallucination. Alex had heard that if people stayed in complete darkness for long enough, they started to see made-up things floating all around them.Staring at blank gray mist probably did exactly the same thing.

(Illustration by Brian Anderson)

What happened when you realized that your sister’s rabbit could talk?

He would have screamed except for the fact that the creature was wearing his sister’s sweater. If this was a hallucination, it certainly had some odd details. . . . “Follow the rabbit, Alex,” Emma said with a grin. A grin! The world had turned upside down, nothing made any sense, and she was grinning! Plus, she wanted them both to follow a talking rabbit! Did she think she was Alice in Wonderland?

But up to this point, what was your conclusion of this whole new adventure for you and your sister?

“We’re hallucinating. That’s what this is. Moldy flour in our pancakes or something like that. I just have to wait it out, and I’ll wake up. Soon.”

Soon after you had a close run-in with a Bandiloc, right? How did that go?

The Myst fish had been weird, and the Rag-O-Rocs had been creepy, but this—this was terrifying. Fear seemed to have grabbed hold of his entire body, and his legs didn’t want to move. He gripped Emma’s arm, hypnotized by the monster’s green eyes.Then the head swung back to Emma and Alex. Its lower jaw opened wide and, with a strange, stomach-churning movement, dropped free from its hinge. Only stretchy skin now connected the lower jaw with the upper. The mouth sagged wider than should have been possible. Wide enough to swallow both Alex and Emma whole.
He couldn’t draw in a full breath. He could, however, make out the fangs, inches from his face, dripping with wet clumps of venom. The smell of dead fish overwhelmed him.

(Illustrations by Brian Anderson)

And how did you get away from it?

The air above Emma seemed to explode with orange fireworks at the same moment that something large collided with the bandiloc. The wolf-headed snake released the brother andsister, howling as it slid away into the mist. The contraption that had scared away their attacker (…) was made of metal and glass and wire. It was mechanical, and yet it almost seemed alive.It was also an alpaca.

How fascinating! And when did the reality of your situation, of discovering the Conjurian world and that magic existed, really kick in?

Emma was all Alex had left. But that boy had grabbed her, and they’d both vanished. Like magic, Emma would have said.A day ago, Alex would have scoffed at her, would have pointed out all the ways the trick might have been managed with props and clever camera angles and sleight of hand. But now he had to admit it—in this crazy place, magic might actually be real. And it might have taken his sister away from him. That didn’t mean he had to like it.

I am confident you and Emma will be able to conquer everything thrown your way, Alex!
Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today, I won’t keep you anymore. Best of luck with your adventures!


INTL Tour-wide Giveaway!

Head over to our Instagram account (@thereaderandthechef) to enter the tour giveaway where one reader will win a copy of The Conjurers: Rise of the Shadow! Ends on July 17th, 2021. Winner will be announced on @mtmctours’ Instagram account.

Tour Schedule:

July 5
@thereaderandthechef – Bookstagram + Book Blog
July 6
@jenniaahava – Bookstagram
July 7
@paperfury – Boostagram + Book Blog
July 8 – Bookstagram
July 9
@pavlinamich – Bookstagram + Book Blog
July 10
@clockwork.bookdragon – Bookstagram
July 11
@bookkru – Bookstagram + Book Blog
July 12
@jemofabook – Bookstagram
July 13
@mabookyard – Bookstagram + Book Blog
July 14
@ireadtoomuch.17 – Bookstagram


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About Brian Anderson

Brian Anderson is the creator of the syndicated comic strip “Dog eat Doug”, which enjoys an international fan base both on and offline. He is an optioned screenwriter and the author of several children’s books, including “Nighty Night, Sleepy Sleeps” and “Monster Chefs”. He is currently working on the upcoming YA series, “The Conjurers” with Crown Publishing.

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