Book Tour: The Blazing Star by Imani Josey (Character Reading Updates + Intl Giveaway!)

Posted March 29, 2021 by Melissa in Blog Tour, MTMC Tours / 0 Comments

Hey friends! Today we are super excited to kick off the Bookstagram & Creative Tour for The Blazing Star by Imani Josey hosted by MTMC Tours! When transported to ancient Egypt, Portia and her genius sister must team up to save Thebes and find their way home. The Blazing Star is the first book in a YA Historical Fantasy / Time Travel series published by Wise Ink!

Now read on below for a review, a character Q&A  + reading update (this one is so fun), plus an EPIC International giveaway on Instagram!


The Blazing Star by Imani Josey
Series: The Blazing Star #1
Published by Wise Ink on December 6, 2016
Genres: YA, Historical Fiction, Fantasy
Pages: 286
Format: Paperback, Kindle
Buy on Amazon
Source: MTMC Tours, Author

I received this book for free from MTMC Tours, Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Sixteen-year-old Portia White is used to being overlooked—after all, her twin sister Alex is a literal genius.
But when Portia holds an Egyptian scarab beetle during history class, she takes center stage in a way she never expected: she faints. Upon waking, she is stronger, faster, and braver than before. And when she accidentally touches the scarab again?
She wakes up in ancient Egypt—her sister and an unwitting freshman in tow.
Mysterious and beautiful, Egypt is more than they could have ever imagined from their days in the classroom. History comes alive as the three teens realize that getting back to the present will be the most difficult thing they’ve ever done. Stalked by vicious monsters called Scorpions, every step in the right direction means a step closer to danger.
As Portia and the girls discover that they’re linked to the past by more than just chance, they have to decide what it truly means to be yourself, to love your sister, and to find your way home.

What to expect from The Blazing Star?

The Blazing Star is a book after my own heart! See, I love studying history. I just love to get to know/understand our world a bit better and I have to thank my middle school teacher for opening up history portals for me back when I was younger. ♥ (Her classes were incredible and she is still my favorite teacher to this date.)

And The Blazing Star was just like opening another portal into an epic time traveling adventure! We get to explore Ancient Egypt with Portia, her twin sister Alex, and meet other fun characters along the way (from Portia’s own time as well as those living in Ancient Egypt).

It has been months since I’ve read a historical fantasy but I am so glad to have picked up The Blazing Star. It is a perfect read to anyone who enjoys revisiting the past!

Must also mention that one of the main reasons why I enjoyed The Blazing Star is that, at its core, it is a story about family & sibling bonds. The hardships when you have siblings that excel in everything and the expectations to follow in their footsteps. I thing this is a relatable experience for everyone with siblings (or sibling-like relatives).

Oh, but The Blazing Star also has a bit of romance and lots of adventure, as well as a ticking clock to decide for  the future while journeying in the past. I cannot wait to see what happens next in the sequel!!

Character Q&A with Portian from The Blazing Star!

The Reader: Hi Portia! Can you tell us a little about yourself?

Of course! I’ll try to keep this short. Kind of.

My name is Portia Constance White and I am a Cancer born on July 16th. I also like long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners…j/k I go to Eleanor Roosevelt Magnet High School in Chicago, which brings smart (or smartish) kids from across the city to learn under one roof. My twin sister, Alex, is the smartest of all. She’s a little intense where I’m not, and maybe a little oblivious where I’m not. For instance, she never noticed the boy she tutors is fine fine, but I… I won’t go into that. Our parents are Richard and Sandra White. People say that Alex is a lot like my dad in personality, so maybe that makes me more like my mother. I believe I am brave, adventurous, and caring. Sometimes I’m impatient and don’t think things all the way through, but I love and protect those that I care about.  

What’s the strangest thing that’s ever happened to you?

Before or after I time traveled to ancient Egypt?

The Reader: Ohhh, right. Haha *scratches off*. NEXT QUESTION!!

Can you tell us your favourite vs least favourite thing about having a twin?

Growing up, I loved having a twin because I always had a companion, someone who understood me in a way that no one else did. It hasn’t been that way for a while, but I hope we get back to that. 

My least favorite thing about having a twin is probably that mine is perfect. Well, no one is perfect, but she actively tries to be always. It’s exhausting just to watch. Also, people assume that just because we’re twins, we want the same things and aren’t unique, but we are individuals.

The Reader: I completely get that! My sister and I often get confused as twins, and while it is not the same experience, we do get the social commentary and the expectations to follow the same path. But yup, different individuals here!

On a scale of 1 to 10, how good are you in a fight?

On a scale of 1 to 10, and after touching the scarab, I’d say I’m probably a 10 in a fight. But before touching the scarab, I would still consider myself high up. I like to stand up for the little guy. I hate bullies.

The Reader: Really like that about you! 

What’s something super cool you saw in Egypt?  

My scarab necklace. I didn’t see it in the ancient world first, however. I had an encounter with it—a scarab beetle ornament— in my history class. Scarabs were sacred to the ancient Egyptians, represented in amulets and jewelry among others. The ancients were intrigued by the beetles as they seemed to emerge spontaneously from the burrow from where they were born. The ancients called them “Khepera” associated them with the creator god Atum, who essentially birthed himself. I wear both halves of the ornament around my neck on my journey.

The Reader: It’s so lovely! After reading The Blazing Star and following your journey, I am itching to read up more on the Ancient World (I am currently studying Mesoamerica’s history and it’s another vast world!).

Last question, what are you (and your friends) currently reading? 

I (Portia) am reading An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir.
Alex is reading Star Daughter by Shveta Thakrar.
Selene is reading For All Time by Shanna Miles.

The Reader: I loved An Ember in the Ashes! Have to check out Star Daughter and For All the Time soon. Thank your for these epic reading recs and for stopping by the blog! ♥

Intl Tour-Wide Giveaway!

Head over to my Instagram account where 3 lucky readers will win a signed copy of The Blazing Star! This is open internationally & it ends April 10th, 2021 at 11:59pm EST.

Tour Schedule:

March 29
@thereaderandthechef – Bookstagram + Book Blog
March 30
@dreaminginpages – Bookstagram
March 31
@paperfury – Boostagram + Book Blog
April 1
@booksenvogue – Bookstagram
April 2
@bookbriefs – Boostagram + Book Blog
April 3
@morrighanrose – Bookstagram
April 4
@ghostlightbooks – Bookstagram
April 5
@readerincolors – Bookstagram + Book Blog
April 6
@lilareads_ – Bookstagram + Book Blog
April 7
@rebireads – Bookstagram

Hosted by:

About Imani Josey

Imani Josey is a writer from Chicago, Illinois. In her previous life, she was a cheerleader for the Chicago Bulls and won the titles of Miss Chicago and Miss Cook County for the Miss America Organization, as well as Miss Black Illinois USA.
Her one-act play, Grace, was produced by Pegasus Players Theatre Chicago after winning the 19th Annual Young Playwrights Festival. In recent years, she has turned her sights to long-form fiction.
The Blazing Star was her debut novel; it is followed by its sequel The Falling Star.

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