The Week’s Entrée #106

Posted July 11, 2016 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!

Have you ever been upset about the ending of a favorite series? Right now I’ve fallen on a bit of a slump/depression over a certain last book in a series because it didn’t give me what I was hoping for.  You will learn all about it in my review that’s coming later today. For now, I’m just trying to cope with my personal feels over the lack of feels. *sniff*

Which series endings have disappointed you?
Latest book reviews in other sites:

I reviewed Caprion’s Wings by T.L. Shreffler on Kate Tilton, Connecting Authors & Readers

This is actually a novella between books 3 and 4 in the Cat’s Eye Chronicles and about a side character. It was an okay read , it did allow me to learn more about Caprion (who me just met in book 3), but on the long run, not THAT amazing. However, I now feel ready to move on to the 4th book, Ferran’s Map. This series is AMAZEBALLS btw.

Here’s the novella’s summary:
By the age of nineteen, all Harpies know how to fly—except Caprion. He has yet pass the test of the Singing and gain his wings. His family has disowned him in shame and people are beginning to talk. Now an evil voice haunts his dreams, taunting him, drawing out his worst fears—that he will remain wingless forever.

Caprion decides to find the root of this insidious voice, no matter what it takes. He journeys to the secret prisons of the Harpy underground, where he meets a young slave named Moss. In those sunless, decrepit cells, a forbidden friendship is formed. Can Caprion and Moss find the source of the voice? And can Caprion save Moss from a terrible fate?

Join young Caprion as he journeys down, down into the earth, finding his wings and forging a friendship that will change him forever.
New books!
{For review}

From authors, publishers, Netgalley/Edelweiss, etc.

I got early access to Spells & Sorcery by S. Usher Evans!!!! I am beyond excited because Sush is one of my fave authors. Plus she’s really cool in general. ♥


My copy of The Geek’s Guide to Unrequited Love by Sarvenaz Tash finally arrived. It took Amazon waaaaay to long to stock it. Gah!

To Read This Week:
This week I’ll be reading Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco (ooooooh) and Interference by Kay Honeyman! I feel that I need to read a sweet contemporary right after Jack because murder! Mysteries! 😉
And that’s it for The Week’s Entrée! What are you reading? 🙂

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