Hi! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!
We are finally in the week of love, guys! What are your plans on the coming Valentine’s day?Me? I have a date with a great book and a cake! Wow, things haven’t changed much from last year, LOL. Anyhoo… I hope you all have a wonderful week full of love <3
Oh, and before I forget, don’t go anywhere before entering the giveaways on the sidebar. They are so cool and I’m pretty jelly at whoever gets to win them. 😉
Book reviews in other sites:

I have FOUR’s ebook, the one that contains the four novellas of the Divergent Trilogy, but I thought I’d check out the first one seperately. It was a good read 🙂
Here’s the novella’s summary:
Fans of the Divergent series by #1 New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth will be captivated by “Four: The Transfer,” the first of four stories, each between fifty and seventy-five pages long, set in the world of Divergent and told from Tobias’s perspective.
In “The Transfer,” readers witness Tobias’s aptitude test, Choosing Day, and the moment he is given the infamous nickname “Four.”
In “The Transfer,” readers witness Tobias’s aptitude test, Choosing Day, and the moment he is given the infamous nickname “Four.”
Books I Got Last Week:
Currently Reading:
I’m currently reading The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma! I actually started reading this book a few weeks back but since I had other books to read before it, I was forced to put it back down. It seems to be a promising book so far. 🙂
And that’s it for The Week’s Entrée! What are you reading this week? 🙂
Ohh, I am glad you're liking The Walls Around Us so far, it looks really good! I am so jealous that you got My Best Everything! I have been wanting that one for so, so long! I missed the "read now" window, AND was declined, so good times hahah. I did get The Infinite, but I haven't read Gates of Thread and Stone yet, so that was kind of weird of me! I hope you enjoy these new books 🙂
As for Valentine's Day.. pretty much the same as you, minus the cake! And I won't lie, the cake would make things better!
Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight
I also got My Best Everything, nice grabs this week. Happy reading!
Awesome net galley finds! Hope you enjoyed your cake on Valentine's day 🙂