The Week’s Entrée #39

Posted November 17, 2014 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 6 Comments

Hi! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!
Last week was another super busy week for me so I’m sorry again for my  almost-absence. I miss my free times,but luckily, I’m finally out of school!  So happy that I’ll finally have a chance to get back on track with the blog, visiting blogs, and reading. So, yay!

Reviews in other sites:

I reviewed Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers at Kate Tilton, Conecting Authors & Readers! I’m loving the His Fair Assassin trilogy and even though I haven’t read the final book, Mortal Heart, I believe the couple in this book will remain as my favorite. A beautiful assassin with an ugly but amazing man named Beast almost makes their love like a deadly fairy tale, and I buy that. 
Here’s the books’ synopsis:
When Sybella arrived at the doorstep of St Mortain half mad with grief and despair the convent were only too happy to offer her refuge – but at a price. The sisters of this convent serve Death, and with Sybella naturally skilled in both the arts of death and seduction, she could become one of their most dangerous weapons.        

But her assassin’s skills are little comfort when the convent returns her to the life that nearly drove her mad. Her father’s rage and brutality are terrifying, and her brother’s love is equally monstrous. But when Sybella discovers an unexpected ally she discovers that a daughter of Death may find something other than vengeance to live for…

Books I Got Last Week:

{For review}
From Netgalley, authors, etc.

I’m really excited about all these titles! Love Hurts is a compilation of stories from well-known authors about love and heartbreak. We Should Hang Out Sometime is an “embarrasing” memoir of the author’s love life as a young adult. My Forever and Beautifully Broken are both NA contemporaries about grief, loss, strength and broken people. While Once Opon A Road Trip and Once Upon An Ever After are the coming-of-age memoirs of Angela N. Blount.


To Read This Week:


I’m currently reading Beautiful Girl by Lida James (loving it!) but I’m quickly moving on to Blood Curse by Kat Flannery because I totally forgot the tour is coming up *face-palm*. When I’m done with both, I think I’ll be reading one of  the books above. The question is, which one?! 

And that’s it for The Week’s Entrée! What are you reading this week? 🙂

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