Creative Blog Tour: Cute Mutants by SJ Whitby (Review, Comic Strip + Intl Giveaway!)

Posted November 18, 2020 by Melissa in Blog Tour, MTMC Tours / 0 Comments

Today I’m excited to participate in the Bookstagram & Creative Tour for Cute Mutants Vol 1: Mutant Pride by SJ Whitby! In this YA Superhero novel, a teenager X-Men superfan gets powers and discovers she’s not the only one. Now she’s part of a group of queer superheroes struggling to control their powers, defeat the villain and, most difficult of all, make friends. Cute Mutants Vol 1 & 2 are out now, and Vol 3 releases on December 8th, 2020!

Now read on below for a review, a Cute Mutants comic strip plus an International giveaway!


Cute Mutants Vol 1: Mutant Pride by SJ Whitby
Series: Cute Mutants #2
Published by SJ Whitby ISBN: 9780473528
on June 27, 2020
Genres: YA, Superhero, LGBTQ+
Pages: 416
Format: Paperback
Buy on Amazon|Book Depository|B&N
Source: MTMC Tours, Author

I received this book for free from MTMC Tours, Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

My name is Dylan Taylor, human incarnation of the burning dumpster gif, and this is my life.
I always wanted to be an X-Man. Except people and me never got along, and apparently you need social skills to run a successful team. Cue Emma Hall’s party. One hot make out session with the host herself, and I can talk to objects like my pillow (who’s far too invested in my love life) and my baseball bat (who was a pacifist before I got hold of him). Now there’s a whole group of us with strange abilities, including super hot ice queen Dani Kim who doesn’t approve of how reckless I can be. The bigger problem is a mysterious mutant causing unnatural disasters, and we’re the ones who have to stop him. Except trying to make a difference makes things blow up in my face and the team’s on the verge of falling apart. Can I bring them back together in time to stop the villain from taking revenge? Have I mentioned I’m not a people person? Magneto help us.

What to expect from Cute Mutants?

Aaaaaah!!! All I want to do is fangirl about Cute Mutants?! This amazing superhero novel is fabulously queer and SO FUN. It follows Dylan who is self-proclaimed incarnation of the burning dumpster gif. We can assume that on the good days, she is this:

but on the bad days, Dylan is pretty much this:

But we love Dylan with her fantastic humor and obsession with all things geeky, particularly X-Men! And she dreams of being part of a superhero team with mutant powers, which accidentally comes true after she kisses Emma Hall whose kisses apparently give people powers??? And now Dylan, her boyfriend Lou, and a bunch of her classmates have mutant powers, and it’s Dylan’s mission to be part of a friendship circle that uses their powers for GOOD.

Cute Mutants Vol 1 is an excellent intro to this world and I absolutely loved all the characters! The super powers or abilities each character gets are strange but intriguing, like being able to talk to objects (Dylan’s), changing your appearance based on your mood, or channeling your fears into a black hole in which 3 shadow creatures feed on to do your bidding. These abilities in part reflect their host and I loved seeing each character coming into an understanding with the meaning behind their newfound powers. ♥

And if you are in search of a wonderfully diverse cast of queer superheroes, then you will find it here in Cute Mutants. We have trans & non-binary characters, as well as bisexual, lesbian, pansexual and ace rep. It’s pretty great and you are in for a treat!

Cute Mutants Comic Strip!

Alright, you know what I would LOVE? To see Cute Mutants as a graphic novel/comic! And let’s be honest, Dylan from Cute Mutants would totally love it. So for today I decided to share a small comic strip as if Cute Mutants were a graphic novel (I used its epic synopsis btw)
Disclaimer: I am not a graphic novelist and I only accept love and adoration for this small masterpiece I created.


INTL Tour-wide Giveaway!

Enter the Rafflecopter below to win a paperback copy of Cute Mutants Vol 1: Mutant Pride!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

INTL Instagram Tour-wide Giveaway!

Head over to my Instagram account where you can enter to win 1 of 4 paperback copies of Cute Mutants Vol 1! This is open international & it ends on November 28th at 11:59pm EST.


Tour Schedule:

November 16
@paperfury –
Boostagram + Book Blog
November 17
@grimreaderx – Bookstagram
November 18
@thereaderandthechef – Bookstagram + Book Blog
November 19
@a_bookish_dream – Bookstagram
November 20
@wildergirlreads – Bookstagram + Book Blog
November 21
@bookwnoname – Bookstagram
November 22
@oddandbookish – Bookstagram + Book Blog
November 23
@of.books.and.bone- Bookstagram
November 24
@borgprincess – Bookstagram + Book Blog
November 25
@bubbleswrapherbooks – Bookstagram


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About SJ Whitby

SJ Whitby lives in New Zealand with their partner, as well as various children and animals. They are predictably obsessed with X-Men and spend too much of their free time writing.

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