The Week’s Entrée #183

Posted January 9, 2018 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!

Wow, first week of the year went flying by! Next thing we know, we’ll be once again getting near fall and stressing about our Goodreads challenge. BUT NO SIR. We are not letting that happen! I actually did end up reading the TWO books I had assigned myself to read last week and I feel super happy about it. Also, they were GREAT reads so that itself is something to celebrate (the books were Everless by Sara Holland and Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu). Now off to stress about writing the reviews!

How many many do you write per week? I am attempting to write two per week now and I hope to catch up with all the ones I have neglected to write in 2017. Wish me luck!

New books!

{For review}
From authors, publishers, Netgalley/Edelweiss, etc.

Thanks to Entangled Teen for the access to Zombie Abbey by Lauren Baratz-Logsted! Doesn’t this zombie infested Downton Abbey inspired book look awesome?!?!? 😀


The lovely Sarah Glenn Marsh hosted a giveaway a few months ago for a copy of Reign of the Fallen and I won it!!! She also sent me a set of her GORGEOUS character cards and a few bookmarks and I’m in love. ♥ I also snatched a copy of The Secret of a Heart Note by Stacey Lee on Amazon and I cannot wait to read it! 😀

To Read This Week:

I’m currently reading Reign of the Fallen since I’ll be co-hosting a Twitter chat this Friday! Come join us using #MTMC18 at 8pm EST! I’ll also be reading As You Wish by Chelsea Sedoti! Bright covers this week, yay!!! :D♥

And that’s it for this edition of The Week’s Entrée! What are you all reading? 🙂

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