The Week’s Entrée #142

Posted March 20, 2017 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 3 Comments

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!

So yesterday I started watching The Vampire Diaries from season 1 and it’s giving me such teenage feels. I remember how I used to watch it back in High School and how I HATED Damon. Now I’m just thrilled to see him every time *grins*. I think I stopped watching it after season 3 and then I lost track of it, but with all the hype over the series finally ending (please no spoilers!!!), I think it’s time to watch it completely. Have you seen it???

Oh, but one I have not seen is the new Beauty and the Beast movie *cries*. My sister & I were supposed to watch it yesterday but we had some car problems so we had to cut our trip to the movies. But I think, I THINK, today will be the day. Cannot wait! Also, POPCORN, Y’ALL. ♥♥♥

New books!

{For review}
From publishers, authors, Netgalley/Edelweiss, etc.

I downloaded these two pretty books from Netgalley last week: Zenn Diagram by Wendy Brant and Cashmere by Temple West! Both sound awesome (though I have yet to read my copy of Velvet!) but I’m particularly excited to read Zenn Diagram because it’s contemporary and reviewers say it’s cutesy! 😀
Also received an eARC of First We Were IV by Alexandra Sirowy for an upcoming blog tour. Sister & I are excited for our post, be on the lookout for it next month!
To Read This Week:

This week I’ll be reading A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi! I just finished The Star-Touched Queen and it was such a captivating read ♥. I’ll also be buddy reading Literally by Lucy Keating with my bestie Becky from Book Nerd Addict! I’m excited! 😀


And that’s it for The Week’s Entrée! What are you all reading? 🙂

3 responses to “The Week’s Entrée #142

  1. HELLO BESTIE ;D I only watched the first three episodes of Vampire Diaries and I hated Damon as well, but then… I didn't 😉 I really should watch it again! Those books are great! I hope you love them, I really can't wait to see your post for First we Were IV <3 I'm nervouse for mine lol also I CAN'T WAIT TO READ LITERALLY WOOT WOOT! Calls dibs on the love interest MUUAAAHAHAHAHAHA ;D Hope you get to see Beauty and the Beast today <3

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