The Week’s Entrée #105

Posted July 4, 2016 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 3 Comments

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!

Happy 4th of July, my dear US friends! Even though I’m not American, I feel a special bond with this countryS since I grew up in the lovely state of California where I discovered my true love for books.  I hope you all have a wonderful day and I’ll be here waving an imaginary US flag to join in you celebration. ♥

Latest book reviews in other sites:

I reviewed Every Hidden Thing by Kenneth Oppel on YA Books Central

This books is EVERYTHING, you guys! I loved it so much and I can’t recommend it enough. It was realistic and spot on with teenage behavior, a great fossil-seeking adventure, funny, and very much Romeo & Juliet but with better characters (in my opinion). Add it to your TBR pronto!!

Here’s the book’s summary:
Somewhere in the Badlands, embedded deep in centuries-buried rock and sand, lies the skeleton of a massive dinosaur, larger than anything the late nineteenth-century world has ever seen. Some legends call it the Black Beauty, with its bones as black as ebony, but to seventeen-year-old Samuel Bolt, it’s the “rex,” the king dinosaur that could put him and his struggling, temperamental archaeologist father in the history books (and conveniently make his father forget he’s been kicked out of school), if they can just quarry it out.

But Samuel and his father aren’t the only ones after the rex. For Rachel Cartland this find could be her ticket to a different life, one where her loves of science and adventure aren’t just relegated to books and sitting rooms. And if she can’t prove herself on this expedition with her professor father, the only adventures she may have to look forward to are marriage or spinsterhood.

As their paths cross and the rivalry between their fathers becomes more intense, Samuel and Rachel are pushed closer together. Their flourishing romance is one that will never be allowed. And with both eyeing the same prize, it’s a romance that seems destined for failure. As their attraction deepens, danger looms on the other side of the hills, causing everyone’s secrets to come to light and forcing Samuel and Rachel to make a decision. Can they join forces to find their quarry, and with it a new life together, or will old enmities and prejudices keep them from both the rex and each other?
New books!
{For review}

From authors, publishers, Netgalley/Edelweiss, etc.

I received this amazing package from the wonderful S. Usher Evans! She sent me signed copies of The Island & The Chasm (out July 12th!), a #TeamPrinceling t-shirt (which I won), a wedding invitation, a map postcard and signed bookmarks. ♥♥♥♥
I also received a review copy of Hurricane Kiss by Deborah Blumenthal from Media Masters Publicty. Thank you so much!


I finally received my copy of The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson! I had received a copy from Amazon two weeks ago, but the cover came in damaged so I requested another one. I totally snapped a pic before returning it LOL.

To Read This Week:

I’m already halfway through The Chasm by S. Usher Evans and really enjoying it so far! Go team princeling! ♥♥♥ I’m not sure which book I’m reading after that… any suggestions? Maybe ACOMAF or The Star-Touched Queen?
And that’s it for The Week’s Entrée! What are you reading? 🙂

3 responses to “The Week’s Entrée #105

  1. Really intrigued by the Kenneth Oppel book! I read one other book by him that I enjoyed, and Every Hidden Thing Sounds exciting. 🙂
    If you haven't read ACOMAF yet, I *highly* recommend it! It's incredible. I've heard great things about The Star-Touched Queen, but still haven't gotten around to reading that one yet, either!

    • I think I will be reading ACOMAF because my luck of not getting spoiled probably won't last much longer! This is my first Kenneth Oppel book, but I will check out his other works, he is a great writer. 🙂

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