The Week’s Entrée #33

Posted October 6, 2014 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 3 Comments

Hi all! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée

October is here! <3 Isn’t it awesome? The smell, the food, the air, AHH ♥! I love it! Speaking of October, it’s officially baking season! I’m going to push, poke, jump over, and practically force my sister to come back to the blog. The blog is not “and the Chef” without her. She has been quite busy at school (she’s graduating!) so I let her take a hiatus from here. So that’s why she’s been absent so much (if you were wondering).

In Other News…

I wrote a new review at Kate Tilton’s Blog! I finally had the chance to read Where She Went by Gayle Forman and it turned out to be a good read for me. It wasn’t that awesome like many people led me to believe, but it is good. I loved Adam, I hated Mia. If you’ve already read this book then you know why…

Books I Got Last Week:


    I pre-ordered David Estes’s two new books, Brew and Boil (they’re about witches!). I love his writing, he’s so talented. Then I found out that White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout was on sale! I think you can still get it for $0.99 on all online retailers.

    {For review}

    (From Netgalley)


    My first win of the YA Scavenger Hunt!(and I say first because I hope I win more prizes, I visited 125 blogs!)

    {In the mail}

    I received in the mail these three beauties! Robing in the Hood and Stone of Thieves by Diane J. Reed where supposedly for the tour but they didn’t get here fast enough. They are both signed ♥. And my awesome friend, Kate Tilton, sent me Vicious by V.E. Schwab as a late birthday gift. *Sends her another virtual hug*


    To Read This Week:

    Revenge? Superheroes gone wrong? MUST READ. I hope it turns out good. And if I get the chance, I might break into another book. We’ll see. 😉
    And that’s it for this Week’s Entrée. What are you reading this week? 🙂

    3 responses to “The Week’s Entrée #33

    1. I grabbed Boil & Brew too (thanks to you) and I also have The Executioner for review!!! 125 blogs.. holy moly that's a lot 🙂 I was in such a baking mood this weekend (not sure if you saw on Instagram)… Happy reading!!

      Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

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