The Week’s Entrée #69

Posted June 30, 2015 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 3 Comments

Hey everyone! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!

I don’t usually post so late but my computer is acting up horribly and every single thing I do here is oh so painfully slow. Need to buy myself a new one!

On a bright note, summer vacations are just around the corner and I can already taste the freedom. More time to read books, yay.

Book reviews in other sites:

I reviewed Volcrian’s Hunt by T. L. Shreffler at Kate Tilton, Connecting Authors & Readers

The Cat’s Eye Chronicles just keeps getting better and better! Seriously guys, if you love fantasy books then this series is THE series to try out. Volcrian’s Hunt (third book in the series) was epic and ohmygush the feeeels. Finally got them in full force. ♥
Here’s the book’s summary:
A plague is spreading across the land. Crops are rotting. People are dying in the streets. Sora, with the help of her magical Cat’s Eye necklace, is the only one who can stop it.

She must travel overseas to the Lost Isles, a place of legend and mystery. Only there can she destroy the bloodmage, Volcrian, putting an end to the curse. She is accompanied by Crash, a lethal assassin who once threatened—and saved—her life. But Sora is beginning to question her dark companion. He seems to be carrying a secret; a hidden past that could endanger them all.

Meanwhile, they are hunted by an underground society known as the Shade. For centuries, the Shade has waited for the perfect opportunity to step into the light. Now they are perilously close to resurrecting a Dark God and unleashing a wave of unimaginable destruction. They only need to collect the three sacred weapons, and Sora has already found two….

Books I Got Last Week:

{For review}
From Netgalley, authors, publishers, etc.
I couldn’t resist to snag a copy of this pretty looking book on Netgalley. A few of my closest online buddies have been talking about it so I’m curious to see if this turns out to be a good read. Also, can someone gift me a dress like that on my birthday? It’s gorgeous! ♥.♥

This insanely gorgeous book arrived from Amazon last week.  I’m so excited to start reading and I might bump it up on my tbr list for this week. Maybe, I have a lot of other books to finish first. 🙁

To Read This Week:

I just started this book but OMG am I hooked! From page one, seriously. It’s mysterious and I really have no idea where it is heading but I can feel its magic working on me. Hope it stays amazing till the very end!


And that’s it for The Week’s Entrée! What are you reading this week? 🙂

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