Hi! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!
This week will be full of activities for me, one being that my university is holding a ceremony for all the students who have straight A’s in the school year! Not that I’m bragging buuuuut, I’m one of those students *huge grin*. I’m a proud nerd. 😉
I will be busy but I’ll try to work on more book reviews for the site since I’m terribly behind and also try to catch up with my tbr pile. Crossing fingers for a great week!
Book reviews in other sites:

I’ve been wanting to start with the For Darkness Shows the Stars series for a while now and I thought it was a good idea to read the prequel novella first. It was a nice read, nothing too exciting but still worth checking out.
Here’s the novella’s summary:
Before Kai joined the Cloud Fleet, he wandered… AMONG THE NAMELESS STARS
Four years before the events of FOR DARKNESS SHOWS THE STARS, the servant Kai left the North Estate, the only home he’d ever known, and Elliot North, the only girl he ever loved, in search of a better life. But the journey was not an easy one.
Featuring narrow escapes, thrilling boat races and at least one deadly volcanic wasteland.
Four years before the events of FOR DARKNESS SHOWS THE STARS, the servant Kai left the North Estate, the only home he’d ever known, and Elliot North, the only girl he ever loved, in search of a better life. But the journey was not an easy one.
Featuring narrow escapes, thrilling boat races and at least one deadly volcanic wasteland.
Books I Got Last Week:
{For review}
From Netgalley, authors, etc.
{For review}
From Netgalley, authors, etc.
I can’t even begin to express how excited I am for these three books! First, I got the amazing email from Netgalley letting me know I was approved to read Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between by Jennifer E. Smith. I fist-bumped the air a thousand times and shimmy danced all afternoon. Then I got the equally amazing notice of This Raging Light by Estelle Laure which sounds like the book of heartbreak and tears (yayy!? :D), and to top it all off, the amazing S.L. Morgan sent me the eARC of The Awakening! I’m so ready to read about the royal wedding of Levi and Reece (been following their relationship for a while now). So. Damn. Excited.
To Read This Week:
I’ll be reading Sapient by Jerry Kaczmarowski (cool name)! Really hope it turns out to be a good read, I need good reads in my life right now. I also may take a peek into one of the titles above just in case this book doesn’t work out for me. 😉
And that’s it for The Week’s Entrée! Hope you have a wonderful week too! 🙂
There's nothing wrong with being a "nerd." You can be a super cool nerd. 🙂 Congrats on those A's that's a great accomplishment and have a happy week!