The Write On review-a-thon is a monthly event created and hosted by Brianna at The Book Vixen. It’s a duration of time dedicated to getting reviews done, whether you have one review to write or 30+. This edition of the review-a-thon takes place all day Friday, February 27th and Saturday, February 28th. Let’s get those reviews done!
Below is the list of books I was considering to review and the ones I did are scratched out.
Books to be reviewed:
Untraceable by S.R. Johannes
On the Run by I-Lanaa Twine
Once Upon A Road Trip by Angela N. Blount
The Truth About Faking by Leigh Talbert Moore
I’m really happy I made my goal of three reviews! Two are scheduled (feels so good to have posts ready) and one I already posted earlier today. I’ll try to catch up with the rest, if not, there’s always the next review-a-thon to look up to. 😀
How did you do? Did you catch up on reviews this weekend?
Kudos on reaching your goal! ^5