The Week’s Entrée #139

Posted February 27, 2017 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 3 Comments

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!

Can someone please tell time to slow down??! Seriously cannot believe February is coming to an end already! But the good news is that so many book releases are happening soon, which begs the question–which books are you highly anticipating in the following months?
Oh, and my sister and I finally finished watching How I Met Your Mother! This series was amazing, but that ending is a big NOPE *shakes fist at it*. The only good part was Barney’s sweet moment, almost got me teary eyed. ♥ Have you seen it???
What other TV shows would you guys recommend? Something along the lines of How I Met Your Mother would be superb. 😉
New books!

{For review}
From publishers, authors, Netgalley/Edelweiss, etc.

Aaah I am so excited that I got approved to read The Traitor’s Kiss by Erin Beaty! This is a Jane Austen retelling and I’ve heard nothing but great things about it. OH, but my biggest excitement of the week was when I was offered to review The Hundredth Queen by Emily R. King!!! If you read my WoW post last week, you might have seen that I am highly anticipating this book and now I get to read it early!!!!.
 And huge thanks to the wonderful folks at Merit Press  for sending me a inished copy of Snowbirds. SO BEAUTIFUL ♥


Last week I managed to snatch from Amazon the Pushing the Limits box set for $0.99!!! FOUR BOOKS. LESS THAN A DOLLAR. This is a series I’ve been wanting to read for so long and well, I couldn’t pass up this amazing opportunity. And it was so lucky of me that I did for the sale only lasted for a few hours. Crazy! 

To Read This Week:

I’m trying to read a physical copy AND an ebook simultaneously to catch up on my reading, so this week I’ll be reading Silent by David Mellon and my eARC of Seven Days of You by Cecilia Vinesse!


And that’s it for The Week’s Entrée! What are you all reading? 🙂

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