Series: Heavy Influence #1
Genre: YA Contemporary
Genre: YA Contemporary
Publisher: AMF Publishing
Published: June 11th, 2013
Page count: 417 pages
Format: eBook
Source: Gifted by Amy del Rosso (thank you!)
Book Summary:
About an up and coming teenage rocker on the verge of stardom, when the girl next door becomes something more; they’re forced to face the harsh realities on his road to fame and the expectations of their friends and family. Sacrifices are made as everything changes as they know it.
*The Reader’s Review*
My rating: 4/5 stars
I loved reading First Kiss! It’s a wonderful experience since this book not only has music in its pages, but every song is original and made fit perfectly for the book. I was looking at the number of pages and I can’t believe it has 417! It actually feels like a 200 page book or less because I was done with it before I knew it. It’s such a page turner!
First Kiss has all the drama about how complicated it is to date (or fall in love) with someone who’s pursuing a career as demanding as being in a rock band. When Ally and Jake start having feelings for each other, it seems that everybody has a say about their relationship -not right, too young, and blah blah blah. It was distressing to read how much Ally and Jake struggled to be together when the world wanted them to be apart. There was no support from parents or friends as they loved to blame every single problem on their relationship.
Okay, Jake and Ally aren’t perfect. They are flawed and make mistakes as much as you and me put together. They are good for each other, but when torn apart, they do things that later on make things worse. Jake is the most problematic of the two. He is a bit of a bad boy, yet I think it’s all thanks to the pressure his mother and manager/father figure put on his shoulders. Ally, on the other hand, is a sweeter character, although young and a little naive (and that can turn out to be dangerous too).
While I did suffer for the characters, I enjoyed the plot immensely. Ann Marie Frohoff did a superb job at voicing out loud the difficult road of a rock star and those seeking fame. It is hard, it is amazing, and it takes guts to go through it all. I must start to read the novella that follows this book because I want to know what’s happening on Ally’s and Jake’s lives. I hope the second book comes out soon!
This sounds really interesting! Glad you enjoyed it 🙂 The cover matches what you say in your review perfectly!
Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.
It does. The guy on the cover is one of the members of Bad Suns, the muse behind this book. 😉