Clean Sweep ARC Challenge Wrap-up Post

Posted June 1, 2014 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 3 Comments

I did it you guys!!!

I read the five books I challenged myself to read in the month of May! It was a close one though, I finished the last book yesterday night *gulp*. I think I could have done better in the challenge, like maybe writing the reviews for all five books (I only wrote two of them) or participate in all the mini-challenges hosted by a few participants of this challenge (I only participated in 4). Oh well, next challenge I’ll do much better. I hope I have more time in my pocket too since that’s one of the main reasons I barely made it.
Challenge Books Read:

*Books provided by the publishers via Netgalley*

Some Fine Day by Kat Ross
Essence by Lisa Ann O’Kane (Read my review)
Between The Lives by Jessica Shirvington  (Read my review)
Feather Bound by Sarah Raughley
Aspen by Rebekah Crane

All of them were great, GREAT reads. I can’t stop saying how glad I am to have joined this challenge. It gave me the boost to read all of them and the support from the other participants was awesome. And it was FUN. I’ll be joining another one soon for sure. 
Thanks for stopping by!

3 responses to “Clean Sweep ARC Challenge Wrap-up Post

  1. LOL that gif was so funny! It actually looked like the guy was pissing at first glance 😛 BUT HEY MELISSA AT LEAST YOU REACHED YOUR GOAL! Great job! 🙂