Clean Sweep ARC Challenge Update

Posted May 23, 2014 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 3 Comments

I am so behind on the Clean Sweep ARC Challenge.
I’ve only read two of the five books I challenged myself to read. It’s quite sad. I blame exams, work, taking over the world life, and those other things that made me not read my galleys faster. 
Do I admit defeat? NEVER. There’s still time! I just started with my third book and I plan on getting those last two reads before the end of the month. Oh, and the other four books I have to read too. So yeah, bring it.
Challenge Books:
Essence by Lisa Ann O’Kane
Some Fine Day by Kat Ross
Between The Lives by Jessica Shirvington (Currently reading)
Aspen by Rebekah Crane
The Summer I Found You by Jolene Perry

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