The Week’s Entrée #3

Posted February 3, 2014 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 4 Comments

This week on the blog is going to be so much better than the very slow one we had the last week. We didn’t post a recipe! I blame that on my very busy sister and her so called “chef student duties”, also known as homework. I’ll be nagging her all week if I have to.

What is she planning for this week you ask? (if you don’t then I’m imagining you are) Well my friends, my sister is so funny (and original) that she wants to make Pita bread and Pita wraps because it reminds her of a character of a well known series:

Guessed already? 🙂

Now, every Thursday at 9 p.m. EST Author assistant Kate Tilton hosts her famous twitter #k8chat with a special guest and they talk about a specific subject (especialty of that guest). This chat is awesome, many authors, readers and bloggers come together and learn more about the bookish world. Last week Rafflecopter joined us and talked about giveaways, and they even gave out prizes right on the chat. I was one of the lucky winners, yaaay for me! I won a month of  Rafllecopter’s premium membership! Now I need to do more giveaways. 😉

To Read This Week:

Lingering Echoes by Erica Kiefer. 
She’s broken with guilt. 
He harbors a chilling past. 
It’s safer if they keep their distance… 
But, the echoes that linger connect them. 

Returning to Hidden Pines is the last thing Allie Collins wants to do during her final summer before college. For her, the family cabin she spent her youthful summers in, now holds a dark memory that has haunted her every day for the last year. 

While struggling to forget her past, Allie runs into Damien, a local rebel with secrets of his own. He’s dark, dangerous and he keeps showing up when Allie least expects him to. She has every reason not to trust him. So why does she find herself opening up to him in a way she hasn’t been able to with anyone? 

As pieces of Damien’s identity emerge, answers to a rumored mystery begin to unfold. By the time Allie unearths the secrets of Damien’s past, she realizes just how intricately they are connected. Now she is caught in a dangerous battle that threatens her life and those she loves.

I got this New Adult book from Netgalley and I’m excited to read it because it promises to be a clean one I think. I sure hope so, I get tired that almost all NA books have to have very detailed scenes. Sometimes I feel like if I’m reading the same book!
Books I Bought Or Received:
This week I don’t remember buying any books or one-clicking freebies. BUT, I did receive a book for review:

Ben the Dragonborn by Dianne Astle
Every night Ben has the same nightmare; two moons in the sky, winged creatures of scale and claw, dark waters closing over his head. Soon Ben will discover that not all dreams are fiction. He must find out who his parents are, what his own powers mean, and if they will be enough to keep those he cares about safe. But first he must find out what secrets hide in the offices of the Head Mistress.
It sounds like a cute read, apparently for ages 8-12. I think I still fit in that category, I sure do like these kind of books.
What’s on your plate for this week? Any good books to recommend? 🙂

4 responses to “The Week’s Entrée #3

  1. Sounds like it is an interesting week for you guys! I found 2 things really help run my blog smoothly:
    1) Scheduling posts in advance & 2) the use of Google Calender to keep track of my posts! There are some awesome tips and tricks over at Kimba the Caffeinated Book reviewer's blog!!

    I loved the humor with the Pita dishes 🙂

    Happy reading and cooking ladies!!

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

    • PS if you need to make a blog button pop over to, she has a great tutorial that is easy to follow (So that I can grab your button and put it on my blogroll) and Kimba's blog:

    • Thank you Chene for all your wonderful tips and of course, your wonderful support! I'm so glad to have stumbled with you <3 I will do all of that and keep looking for ways to improve my blog. 🙂

    • It's a pleasure <3 I am so happy to help you the way some awesome bloggers helped me in the beginning and with some of the things I had to figure out on my own too!! Improving the blog is constant work 😉 i still have a few things I need to 'fix' on my blog and things I want to change when I find the time!

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