The Week’s Entrée #165

Posted August 28, 2017 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 3 Comments

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!

I AM SUCH A FAILURE. It is quite funny how horribly I did with #ARCAugust and #TheReadingQuest challenges. I basically read a book for each challenge LOL. BUT I READ, SO THAT’S GOOD, RIGHT???? Things I keep telling myself.

I still have 4 days to at least add two more books so my count doesn’t look that pitiful. Cheer me on, guys. 😀 Oh, and have a great last week of August! (The unofficial start of Fall is almost heeeeeere!!!)

New books!

{For review}
From publishers, authors, Netgalley/Edelweiss, etc.

AAAAH!!! I cannot believe I was granted access to both these books. American Panda by Gloria Chao and An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson are books I’ve been DYING to read. I will move these two up my TBR because I just cannot wait any longer!

To Read This Week:

And I’m finally starting A Semi-Definitive List of Worst Nightmares by Krystal Sutherland! I’ve heard from a few friends that it’s a great read so I’m quite excited to read it. Bring on all the laughs!!! I’m also reading Genuine Fraud by E. Lockhart. Don’t know quite what to expect but I hope it turns out to be a good book!


And that’s it for The Week’s Entrée! What are you all reading? 🙂

3 responses to “The Week’s Entrée #165

  1. I only joined ARCAugust one time, and it was so much fun! However, every time I want to join now I always fail, and when I don't then I excel. My brain doesn't like extra pressure, I guess haha.

    I should be reading Godsgrave but real life stuff is kicking my butt right now. Adulting sucks, by the way lol

    Great post, thanks for sharing!
    ~Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  2. I tried arc august once but for whatever reason I decided to borrow like 25 books from the library and didn't even pick up an arc that month. ? – Victoria ThePetiteBookBlogger

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