Category: Uncategorized

Recipe: Pita bread

Recipe: Pita bread

Sorry guys, I couldn’t resist. I know it’s a little bit overrated, but come on!… how could I not?  I made Peeta bread! Ok, fine it’s Pita bread. It’s so simple, rewarding and delicious to bake. You can stuff it with whatever you want or just eat it right out […]

Posted February 8, 2014

That’s what HE said Thursday #4: Cricket Bell

That’s what HE said Thursday #4: Cricket Bell

That’s what HE said Thursday is a weekly meme hosted at Chapter Break where you post a favorite line of a book boyfriend to his heroine. It’s the perfect meme to share all those awesome quotes! Today I’ll present you with my favorite quote from one of my favorite books! Actually, I’m […]

Posted February 6, 2014

The Week’s Entrée #3

The Week’s Entrée #3

This week on the blog is going to be so much better than the very slow one we had the last week. We didn’t post a recipe! I blame that on my very busy sister and her so called “chef student duties”, also known as homework. I’ll be nagging her […]

Posted February 3, 2014

Book Review: A Novel Obsession by Jeff Joseph

Book Review: A Novel Obsession by Jeff Joseph

Title: A Novel Obsession Author: Jeff Joseph Series: Novel Series #1 Publisher: Self-published Published: December 1st, 2012 Page count: 215  Format: Kindle Source: Author Buy from:   Amazon  .  Kobo .  Goodreads Book Summary: What could be more peaceful than a small town nestled in the plush and picturesque Appalachian foothills along the Ohio River? Seemingly nothing unless you actually live in such […]

Posted February 3, 2014

The (Late) Week’s Entrée #2

The (Late) Week’s Entrée #2

I’m a terrible excuse of a blogger and the worst thing is that I’m barely starting. You see, I was supposed to post “The Week’s Entrée” every Monday to show up what I’m planning to do on the blog. But I didn’t. Because I haven’t been writing my posts on […]

Posted January 30, 2014

Book Review: Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging

Book Review: Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging

Title: Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging Author: Louise Rennison Series: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson #1 Publisher: Harper Collins  Published: 1999 Page count: 336  Format: Kindle Source: Bought from Amazon Buy from:   Amazon  .  Barnes&Noble .  The Book Depository Book Summary: There are six things very wrong with my life: 1. I have one of those under-the-skin spots that will […]

Posted January 26, 2014

Starcrossed Release Day & Giveaway

Starcrossed Release Day & Giveaway

Today is the day. Starcrossed, a Starstruck novel by Brenda Hiatt, is out now!  We are in celebration mode here and to celebrate the release we are happy to share an  interview with Princess Emileia and Rigel Stuart as well as an excerpt from the book. Did we mention there’s […]

Posted January 24, 2014

That’s what HE said Thursday #2: Mr. Darcy

That’s what HE said Thursday #2: Mr. Darcy

That’s what HE said Thursday is a weekly meme hosted at Chapter Break where you post a favorite line of a book boyfriend to his heroine.  I know I’m a bit late for this post but the day isn’t over yet, it’s still Thursday! This time I’ll be sharing a quote from […]

Posted January 24, 2014