Creative Blog Tour: Welcome to Superhero School (Character Q&A + Intl Giveaway!)

Posted October 16, 2020 by Melissa in Blog Tour, MTMC Tours / 7 Comments

Today I’m excited to participate in the Creative Blog Tour for Welcome to Superhero School by Gracie Dix! Welcome to Superhero School is the first book in The Vork Chronicles, a Middle Grade Fantasy adventure released on April 28th, 2020 from Toast Industries! Join Oliver, Jess, and all their friends in an action-packed journey of friendship, hardship, and humor to destroy the power-hungry, evil villains of Vork.

Now read on below for a character Q&A plus an International giveaway!


Welcome To Superhero School by Gracie Dix
Series: The Vork Chronicles #1
Published by Toast Industries on April 28, 2020
Genres: Middle Grade, Fantasy
Pages: 260
Format: Paperback
Buy on Amazon|Book Depository|B&N
Source: MTMC Tours, Author

I received this book for free from MTMC Tours, Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Welcome to Superhero School! Join Oliver, Jess, and all their friends on a mission to destroy the power-hungry, evil villains of Vork. From subterranean sewers to lush jungle, from dinosaurs to dragons, our heroes will be pushed to their limits in ways they’d never imagined. Will their collective Powers—Flight, Morphing, Invisibility, Mind Reading, and more—be enough for them to overcome the malevolence of Vork? Or will they stumble over their own doubts and painful histories?

This action-packed journey of friendship, hardship, and humor will take our heroes to thrilling new heights and a deeper understanding of their own place in the world. But will that be enough—or will Vork always be one step ahead?

Character Q&A!

Hi Jess and Oliver! Can you each tell us a bit about yourself?

Hi! I’m Jess and I love people! I also love animals, especially my dog Snowball! 

Hey, I’m Oliver! I look at the world differently because of my powers, and I think that’s pretty cool.

Going to Superhero School must be pretty awesome! What are your favourite classes?

Well, definitely not Gym! It’s dangerous! Wait until you read about it!

Can you both tell us about your powers? When did you discover you had them?

Jess: When we were four, Oliver started to fly. It was AWESOME! We called it ‘zooming’! That’s when I discovered my force field too! Our other powers are still developing – we discovered new ones in our mission against Vork in Welcome to Superhero School. Apparently, that’s pretty common during the teen years. 

Tell us about your best friends!

Jess: We have the seriously best group of friends ever. Teddy is Oliver’s best friend, and Rachel is really special to us. You’ll have to read about her to learn why! Our whole group is amazing. We wouldn’t be where we are today without them.

What do you both want to be when you grow up?

We don’t know yet. We’re just trying to get through school!

Have you ever pulled any pranks or got into mischief together?

No comment – we’re pretty sure our mom is going to read this. 

What’s something you wish you’d known before you started the mission to overcome Vork?

We were so excited to go on our first mission, but it’s probably good that we didn’t know how hard it would be or the big price we would pay in our battle against Vork. It would have been great to know more about who Vork is and what their plans were though.

Are there any downsides of having a superpower?

Lots. Until we came to Superhero School we felt really alone. We’re so lucky that we had each other.

What fun things do you do when you’re not being a hero?

Oliver: Jess loves to paint, and I really love solving brain teasers. We both love hanging out with our friends. We also like watching TV, especially this one game show…but you can read more about that in the sequel.

Jess and Oliver, what’s one thing you love about your twin and one thing that annoys you!?

Jess here – We’ve been through a lot together and we are really close. But, um, Oliver is still a total GUY and he can be really gross sometimes! This is Oliver – if you can’t tell already, Jess can be bossy and persnickety sometimes! But she is still the best sister ever.

What can we expect from YOU in Welcome To Superhero School?

Welcome to Superhero School is filled with action, danger and adventure. We learn about all kinds of powers, encounter unexpected villains, and explore new worlds. But the biggest thing that happens is that we learn to rely on others. There are times that no matter how ‘super’ you are, you just can’t win when you go it alone. You have to ask for help, learn to work together (even when your friends get really annoying), and keep trying.

That’s awesome! Wishing you the best of luck navigating Superhero School with your friends and when battling villains! Thanks for stopping by my blog, Jess & Oliver!


Intl Giveaway!

Enter the rafflecopter below to win a copy of Welcome to Superhero School by Gracie Dix!

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Follow the Tour!

October 12
Book Briefs

October 13
#Bookish – A Librarian’s Literary Journey

October 14
Books, Tea, Healthy Me

October 15
Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

October 16
The Reader and the Chef

October 17
Mermaid Reads

October 18
Krisha’s Cozy Corner

October 19
A Beauty & Her Books

October 20
Katherine Loves Books

October 21
Endless Pages


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About Gracie Dix

Graceanne “Gracie” Dix is a high school author.
She has been writing since she could hold a pencil.
When Gracie isn’t writing, she can be found singing, creating art, in the theatre, volunteering, or playing tennis. She loves to travel and is a loyal friend. Gracie lives in Dallas, Texas with her parents, Richard and Jennifer, her brother, Nate, whenever he is home from college, and her beloved dogs, Snowball and Sandcastle “Sandy.”

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