The Week’s Entrée #191

Posted March 19, 2018 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 1 Comment

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!

Last week was a super great week for bookmail which totally made my entire week month! It’s always super fun to receive things, even though it takes around a month for packages to arrive when sent via normal mail. Why does Mexico have to have the slowest mail system ever?!?! Reason why I love DHL because they get things here ASAP. ♥

HOWEVER, my slow mail system has taught me over the years to be extremely patient, and also to build a friendship with my mailman. So that’s definitely the silver lining! 😀

Are you friends with your mailman/mailwoman? 🙂

In other news…

This week my friend Becky from The Life of a Book Nerd Addict & I are hosting our next Meet the Main Characters of 2018 (#MTMC18) chat on Twitter! Join us to chat with the main character (a princess!) of this YA Fantasy debut about a world with warring kingdoms and a girl who can control her enemies’ minds, and suddenly, is able to envision a bigger evil that will destroy them all.
New books!

{For review}
From authors, publishers, Netgalley/Edelweiss, etc.

The ever amazing Halie Fewkes, author of Secrets of the Tally, sent us Catching Epics (the sequel), and we couldn’t be any more excited! She even was sweet enough to sign it to both of us ♥♥♥ Read this series of you haven’t, it’s amazing!!!
Huge thanks to Elizabeth Foster for the beautiful copy and swag of Esme’s Wish! Cannot wait to read it as well, don’t you think the cover is amazing?! 😀 Also big thanks to Mary Jane Capps for the gorgeous copy of Iloray! Super in love with the cover! ♥
Also FINALLY received the January Unicorn Crate!!! This is our last rep box for bookstagram and the theme was TALES OF TIME. It was an EPIC box, my favorite yet, and it included a stunning copy of Everless by Sara Holland (already read and LOVED this book) plus other time related merch! Might do an unboxing post this week. :D♥


Totally forgot that back in September, 2017 I had preordered Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston until I got the Amazon email that it was on its way. I DIDN’T EVEN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE PREORDER GOODIES. Total fail LOL. At least I have the pretty now! ♥
To Read This Week:

I’m still reading Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa (so goooood) and also started on Beyond a Darkened Shore by Jessica Leake (also amazing!). I fear that both these reads will leave me in a terrible slump, but it’ll be worth it! ♥

And that’s it for this edition of The Week’s Entrée! What are you all reading? 🙂

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