Book Review: Wicked Like a Wildfire by Lana Popović

Posted January 5, 2018 by Isabel in Uncategorized / 5 Comments

Title: Wicked Like a Wildfire
Serie: Hibiscus Daughter #1

Author: Lana Popović
Genre: Young Adult/Fantasy
Published: August 15th 2017
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Page count:405 pages

Format: Hardcover
Source: Fairyloot Box

Book Summary:
All the women in Iris and Malina’s family have the unique magical ability or “gleam” to manipulate beauty. Iris sees flowers as fractals and turns her kaleidoscope visions into glasswork, while Malina interprets moods as music. But their mother has strict rules to keep their gifts a secret, even in their secluded sea-side town. Iris and Malina are not allowed to share their magic with anyone, and above all, they are forbidden from falling in love. 

But when their mother is mysteriously attacked, the sisters will have to unearth the truth behind the quiet lives their mother has built for them. They will discover a wicked curse that haunts their family line—but will they find that the very magic that bonds them together is destined to tear them apart forever?
*The Chef’s Review*
    Actual rating: 4/5 stars

I found Wicked Like a Wildfire a very pleasant read. The cover is so beautiful and pleasing to the eye that the moment we received this book, I wanted to read it right away. The story is fascinating, full of wonder, magic and fantasy combined with contemporary.

What I Liked:

Magic. I love to read books that are focused on magic. Every version that an author creates of this type of world, is always very fascinating and interesting to read for me. In this book, magic is presented as a form of artistic abilities. Iris, the main character of this book, can create flowers through glass work. Malina, Iris’ sister, can create music such as singing the emotions of someone or performing her own. Their mother, can bake delicious desserts that make you think or remember places. I perceive this book like a dedication to the beauty that one finds through art. It’s all so beautiful.

My favorite part, I gotta say, is the description of food in this story. This is one of the few books that I’ve read that talk about food so diligently and passionately. That drew my attention right away. I grew hungry just by the mention of each delicacy that they mention. It is every chef’s dream to learn how to bake and cook in the hopes of making someone feel completely satisfied and capture the taste buds on the very first bite. Iris’ and Malina’s mother is described as cold and distant; however, I cannot help, but admire the discipline and dedication that she puts on her small bakery.

Another thing that surprised me about this book is the storytelling. Wicked Like a Wildfire is a contemporary fantasy book, but I must say that I felt inside a magical world so unlike our own. I would always be surprised when they’d mention cars, phones and technology in general. I think it is very intriguing the way the author wrote this book inside our times and still made it sound like a foreign otherworldly scenery. There is a part in particular where Iris and Malina travel, and among the magical plot, they suddenly decided to rent a car. Isn’t it cool? The reminder that magic still exist in its pure form inside this technology filled life. 

What Didn’t Do It For Me:

Even though I really enjoyed the story, I had a slight problem inside it. I hope that I can express what I mean correctly, here it goes: 

I thought that the characters felt entitled to physical beauty. Like if only that kind of beauty mattered. I understand that they are special beings; however, it felt a little bit shallow and I would have liked less focus on it.

Final Verdict:

Wicked Like a Wildfire is a lovely and wonder-filled book. It has a very engaging plot and a highly entertaining story. For all of those magical fantasy book lovers out there, this is your dream book. Very recommended. 

Happy reading! — The Chef 

5 responses to “Book Review: Wicked Like a Wildfire by Lana Popović

  1. Usually something I don't enjoy either; the fact that beauty is such a big thing in a book and is repeated a lot.
    The cover reminds me of Wink Poppy Midnight, but maybe that's just me!

    Sounds like a book I'd enjoy 🙂

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