The Week’s Entrée #145

Posted April 10, 2017 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 7 Comments

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!

So this happened last Thursday:

I never, NEVER imagined that one day a favorite author would dedicate their book to me, let alone my absolute favorite author. But then the wonderful Danielle L. Jensen, author of The Malediction Trilogy (Stolen Songbird!) dedicated her new prequel novel to this series, The Broken Ones, to me. Danielle and I have become friends over the past two years, but before that, she was just my new favorite author for having written Stolen Songbird which honestly blew me away into a level of obsession. I remember I SQUEALED when she suddenly followed me back on Twitter and then I don’t know how it happened but she would answer my tweets and a few DMs, then share with me the new cover of the second book and tease me with the third. Now she has allowed me to beta read the last two novels and THAT alone meant the world to me, and still does. 

I’m always forever grateful for the opportunities she’s given me, for her friendship which is a dream come true in itself. And now this. I cried. Still makes me tear up in all honesty. But I guess that’s nothing new coming from Danielle since she loves to make her readers cry and I’ve shed many tears with her wonderful books.

 The honor she has bestowed me by dedicating The Broken Ones to me is something I will NEVER forget. Not in a million years. Thanks for another dream come true. ♥

*sniffs* #feels.


New books!

{For review}
From publishers, authors, Netgalley/Edelweiss, etc.

Huge thanks to the publishers for giving me access to these great titles: Dividing Eden by Joelle Charbonneau (LOVE THE COVER), The Broken Ones by Danielle L. Jensen (already read an early manuscript but still excited to read it with all the changes in this final version), and The Sandcastle Empire by Kayla Olson (it’s optioned for filmed and produced/directed? by Leonardo Dicaprio!!!).
To Read This Week:

I *just* started Spindle Fire by Lexa Hillyer and so far it’s going well! Really hope to finish it by tomorrow because I also have to read The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli. I’M ALMOST CATCHING UP WITH NEW RELEASE ARCS. YAY!!!


And that’s it for The Week’s Entrée! What are you all reading? 🙂

7 responses to “The Week’s Entrée #145

  1. Congrats Melissa ?? I am happy for you. it is really cool. I probably will be screaming and brag it to all my social media if my fav author wrote dedication for me. I read a lot of book this week. I am polygamist reader so I kinda read a lot book and some part of them at the same time..hehehe

  2. Ah, that is SO exciting! I am so so happy for you! 😀 That is absolutely something to be cherished forever.
    I am also loving the cover of Dividing Eden and have been really excited for its release — I'm interested to hear your thoughts after you read it!

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