Release Day Review: The Union by S. Usher Evans

Posted February 14, 2017 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

Title: The Union
Series: Madion War Trilogy #3

Author: S. Usher Evans

Genre: NA Fantasy/Dystopian
Publisher: Sun’s Golden Day Publishing
Publication Date:  February 14th, 2017
Page Count:  277 pages
Format:  ARC
Source: From author in exchange of an honest review

Fifty years of war have led to this. 

Prince Galian spends his days ministering to the sick in Kylae, but his nights strategizing how to change hearts and minds of his people. With the death camp closed, the country is becoming more volatile, and even King Grieg may not be able to maintain control over the warring factions.

Across the Great Madion Sea, Theo Kallistrate seeks an audience with the Raven rebels, rumored to be brewing insurrection against President Bayard. But they don’t trust her, and progress has been achingly slow. When the war takes a major turn, Theo and Galian find themselves front and center in a political firestorm that could end with their union…or their funeral.

The Union is the final book in the Madion War Trilogy, which readers have called, “fast-paced,” “compelling,” and “not to be missed.”

*The Reader’s Review*
My rating: 5/5 stars

First of all, HAPPY RELEASE DAY TO THE UNION! I read this wonderful book a few months ago and even after all this time, I cannot stop thinking how amazing and heart-stopping this book is. I smiled, I laughed, I cried, and basically felt all the feels in this epic conclusion to the Madion War Trilogy. My heart still hurts that this trilogy is over, but I am a happy to have gone on such a fantastic journey with Theo and my princeling, Galian. ♥

These two amazing main characters suffer so much throughout the series, battling with their beliefs, their expectations as citizens of warring countries, and their love for each other that only seems to be their downfall. Theo and Galian grow so much throughout the series, especially Galian, that by the time I reached the end of The Union (and recovered from a mini heart-attack) I felt so darn proud of both of them. 

The Union also made me fall more in love with the secondary characters. I didn’t think Rhys, Kader, or even the Queen would manage to make me like them so much, but I did. I ended up looking forward to their scenes a lot (such smart people!). But my full appreciation goes to Rhys for being incredibly funny as well. I want one like him!!! (And I hope Galian doesn’t see this).

However, if I had to point out one thing that really stood out to me in The Union, is how realistic Theo & Galian manage their relationship and how they deal with their problems. Being apart and having things on their minds takes a toll on them so their reactions were something I found interesting and that really added to the story.

OH BUT THE ENDING. Remember that mini panic-attack I mentioned earlier? Yeah, well, it’s because S. Usher Evans is evil and plays with our feelings. I cannot say what happens for obvious reasons but I will say that it’ll shatter your heart into a hundred pieces. Or, you know, poke you until you bleed dry from so many holes.

So yes, I highly recommend you read the Madion War Trilogy. It is full of feels, bad-ass characters, one charming Princeling, and an epic ending you definitely do not want to miss!

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