How I Write My Book Reviews (Gif-by-Gif Style)

Posted October 24, 2015 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 7 Comments

If anyone is curious to how I usually end up writing my reviews, here is how my process looks like! Hehe enjoy. πŸ˜‰
After I finish a book.
(And by party, I mean writing reviews.)
And so I start! I write my initial thoughts…
I sort of keep writing.
Then, well…
So after much writing and re-writing, I start winging it to clear my mind, LOL.
Something’s gotta work!
And if it doesn’t…

Then it’s
I clear my head, dance around, I go pour myself a cup of coffee (or tea) because this reviewer needs her energy!
Then it HITS ME.
The review juices come flowing!
I write about my ships and feels. About the characters.
If there were things I disliked, I write them down.
But overall, I just go into full fangirling mode and I let everything out.

And then I’m done.
Easy peasy.
Then I go back to reading because BOOKS. β™₯
Haha, how does YOUR reviewing process look like? πŸ˜€

7 responses to “How I Write My Book Reviews (Gif-by-Gif Style)

  1. Loved this, Melissa! So much fun. And I loved that gif of Diane Keaton from Something's Gotta Give (love that movie). I like fangirl mode where you let everything out. LOL Sometimes I feel like that's all my reviews are: me gushing incoherently. πŸ™‚

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    • Hahah glad you did, Tanya! β™₯ I also love Something's Gotta Give. I've watched it a gazillion times. So, so awesome. I think fangirling mode is the best way to write reviews. I love it when a reader just plain old gushes over a book they loved because this gets me excited to read it πŸ˜€

  2. I seriously feel like you just wrote *my* book review writing process. I am pretty much exactly the same! I generally finish a book, am super excited, and then cannot write a single thing! I know how I feel about a book, but the thought of expressing it in words is absolutely impossible. So then I force myself to spit out some general thoughts and ideas… wait forever…. and then wait some more… and then it finally comes rushing out. Then it's just a quick (or long) proofread and it's done!
    Thanks for the extremely entertaining post! (I stared at that dog in space for WAY too long)

    • Heeeheee! I loved that dog gif too. And yay to the same kind of reviewing process! I sometimes wish I could be a bit more organized and somehow keep notes to make reviewing slightly easier, but nope, I just do it naturally, as in spend all afternoon wasting time and getting struck by inspiration at midnight. Guess that's how we role! πŸ˜‰