The Week’s Entrée #64

Posted May 18, 2015 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

Hi! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!

This edition will be short and sweet since I don’t have much to tell. I didn’t get any new books *pouts*, although I did request a few books on Netgalley. Really don’t know if I’ll get accepted or not, but I’ll be crossing my fingers since I desperately need them. 🙂

Oh, yes. I have a tip of the week! If you ever decide to change your blog’s URL, contact Bloglovin’ immediately and let them know about the change. I was having a bit of trouble with my blog updates (they were not showing), but I finally got the support team to fix it for me. You just open a support ticket/email and tell them that you would like for them to update the site with your new address. It took about a week for them to get to it, but they’ll answer! *Ends incredible tip.*

Book reviews in other sites:

I reviewed Touch Me by Skye Malone at Kate Tilton, Connecting Authors & Readers

This novella is pretty short, but still an interesting paranormal read. I liked it and I might continue reading the series just to see where it goes.
Here’s the novella’s summary:
Caitlin Faire was only expecting a simple night out to celebrate her best friend’s twenty-first birthday. But enter one gorgeous and mysterious guy, and inexplicable visions that can’t possibly be real, and you have an evening that becomes anything but simple.

Suddenly, she’s seeing visions everywhere. Being overwhelmed by strange impulses she can’t control. She thinks she’s going insane.

Until she almost kills the first man she touches.

To Read This Week:

I’m currently reading An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir! It’s GOOD so far. Should have been done with it already but life has gotten in the way and I’ve had little time to read *shakes fist at life*.


And that’s it for The Week’s Entrée! Hope you have a wonderful week! 🙂

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