The Week’s Entrée #177

Posted November 27, 2017 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!


Seriously,  I cannot believe 2017 is almost over. This year has been quite a bumpy ride but I sure hope it ends on the right foot! I will try to read what I want and feel like in the last four weeks and just enjoy my time book blogging and bookstagramming!

With that said, I must share with you that last week I got an internship with Entangled Publishing!!! I screamed when I received the email and I still feel like it’s all a dream. It’s incredibly hard to get publishing jobs/opportunities for international people such as myself so I’m super thankful that Entangled is giving me the opportunity to join their team! Can’t wait to learn all the things! :D♥♥♥

(Favorite bookstagram photo from last week 😉

New books!

{For review}

Got invited to join the blog tour for Between the Blade and the Heart by Amanda Hocking on YA Books Central and I am super hyped! I’ve only read her Hollowland books back when she was indie (SO GOOD) and I can only imagine how much she has grown as a writer!


I bought myself a kindle copy of The Potion Diaries by Amy Alward (it’s on sale on Amazon!!!) since I will be buddy reading it with a Goodreads friend! Very excited about it & I love the cover, super cute! 😀

To Read This Week:

Been listening to the audiobook of Beast Made of Night by Tochi Onyebuchi and I hope to finish it this week. I’m such a slow listener, but I have to admit that the story is a bit slow and it’s not a good thing for me when I’m listening instead of reading. It will hopefully pick up soon!

And that’s it for this edition of The Week’s Entrée! What are you all reading? 🙂

2 responses to “The Week’s Entrée #177

  1. Congratulations again! I'm so excited for you and this amazing opportunity! 😀
    The Potion Diaries sound so cute–it's normally the type of book I tend to read, but I think I might just have to pick it up. I hope Beast Made of Night picks up for you! I've heard such mixed things about it, but I'm still hoping to have a chance to read it soon.

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