The Week’s Entrée #46 + 2015 Challenges

Posted January 5, 2015 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 3 Comments

Hi! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée and the first 0f 2015!
I took a mini break from the blog because of the holiday season but I’m so excited to be back for another year! 2015 is going to be wonderful, I can feel it. So many great books are coming out and I’ve decided to join many challenges to keep everything more fun. So…

My 2015 Challenges:

Monthly Key Word Challenge hosted by Bookmark To Blog 
 Read a book with one or more of the following monthly keywords:

JAN- Bird, Girl, Ever, Silence, Bad, Truth, End    
FEB- Key, Water, Lie, Chase, Heir, Once      
MAR- Kind, Face, Power, City, Blue, Night, To
APR- Dream, Prince, Long, Wind, Rose, The, Rock
MAY- Ash, Road, Thief, Bend, In, Far
JUN- My, Together, Whisper, Win, Soul, Sleep
JUL- Sun, Unto, Energy, Fate, High, Look
AUG- Fall, Boy, Glass, Heart, Lost, Now
SEP- Color, Touch, Life, Day, How, Sweet
OCT- Ghost, Home, Beach, Away, Test, Number
NOV- Rise, Holiday, And, Little, Call, Dark
DEC- Space, Mirror, Over, Flower, Trap, Cold
I’m joining the Audiobook Challenge hosted by The Book Nympho & Hot Listens! I’m aiming for the second level: 
Weekend Warrior (I’m getting the hang of this) 5-10

Since I listened to 4 audiobooks last year, I think this level will still be a bit tough to pull off. 
For 2015 I’m reading 115 books! Last year I challenged myself to read 100 books but I barely made it. The last three days I did nothing else but read, however, I hope this year I finish off with more time. 🙂
I’m exited to do this challenge which consists of 50 books (or 52 since there’s a trilogy involved). It looks like so much fun and definitely an opportunity to check out books that I wouldn’t usually read. I might not read them all but I’ll try to read as many as I can. I’ll pick titles as I go, not entirely sure which right now. Here’s the complete list of type of books to read:
4 challenges in total. Hope I can complete them all!

Books I Got Last Week:

{For review}
From Netgalley, authors, etc.

To Read This week:
This week I’m reading Broken Notes by Ann Marie Frohoff! So hyped that I’ll finally know what’s going to happen to Jake and Alyssa as they build a life together after everything they have gone through. This book’s tour is stopping by on the 8th and I’ll be reviewing it, so stop by that day to know what I think about it!


And that’s it for The Week’s Entrée! What are you reading this week? 🙂

3 responses to “The Week’s Entrée #46 + 2015 Challenges

  1. Wow Melissa, 4 challenges! Good luck with them! I rarely participate in any challenges (except for the GoodReads challenge) because I've become such an inconsistent reader, but I'm hoping to do some more this year 🙂