100 Sideways Miles by Andrew Smith Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway

Posted November 4, 2014 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 6 Comments

Welcome to my stop in the 100 Sideways Miles Blog Tour hosted by Lady Reader’s Book Tours! I’m super thrilled to be part of this tour and share my thoughts with you today about this wonderful book. At the end of this post you can also find a tour-wide giveaway, so don’t forget to enter.

Author: Andrew Smith
Genre: YA Contemporary
Publisher: Simon & Schuster 

Published: September 2nd, 2014
Format: eARC
Page count: 277 pages

Finn Easton sees the world through miles instead of minutes. It’s how he makes sense of the world, and how he tries to convince himself that he’s a real boy and not just a character in his father’s bestselling cult-classic book. Finn has two things going for him: his best friend, the possibly-insane-but-definitely-excellent Cade Hernandez, and Julia Bishop, the first girl he’s ever loved.

Then Julia moves away, and Finn is heartbroken. Feeling restless and trapped in the book, Finn embarks on a road trip with Cade to visit their college of choice in Oklahoma. 

When an unexpected accident happens and the boys become unlikely heroes, they take an eye-opening detour away from everything they thought they had planned—and learn how to write their own destiny.

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 *The Reader’s Review*

     My rating: 5/5 stars
So THIS is what it feels like to read a book by Andrew Smith. I can’t really name what I am feeling, but I’m feeling something good and I don’t want it to stop. 100 Sideways Miles is a gem of a book and I loved that it’s so weird and unique and so cool. This book just stands out from the crowd.
100 Sideways Miles is all sorts of awesome because of its characters. I’m sure you will never find or read another book with a character as positively amazing as Finn Easton. I loved Finn and his way of thinking, of acting, of speaking. Finn thinks he’s a mess, but I can’t ever imagine thinking that about him. He is so smart and quirky, and because of him, I will be stuck for a while converting seconds into miles. Oh, and Finn’s insane best friend, Cade Hernandez, is another great character. He may not be as perfect as Finn himself, but I liked him a lot too. He’s wild and I love that he does care for his friend, something you would not expect from someone as laid-back as him.
The author’s writing style is fantastic as well. The way he wrote 100 Sideways Miles is so different and intriguing. Andrew brings us inside Finn’s head and every thought, every change going on through his head is something we are able to experience firsthand. Finn’s thoughts are so fast and even at times when they seem to be confusing, they actually are not. It’s SO weird, but I love it!
And the road to self-discovery and of acceptance that Finn and Cade embark together unknowingly is beautiful, and amusing (sometimes ridiculous, in a good kind of way). I just wish I had more to look forward to.  More Finn and more Cade in my life would do me good, would do anyone good, I’m serious. Guess I’ll have to re-read this book again, surely I must have missed a few things and this time I’ll discover them. Happens all the time. 😉
So really, all I have left to say is that this book  with its incredible cover, is waiting for you to open it and enjoy a one-of-a-kind story about love, about friendship, about self-discovery, and about a horse who fell on top of a kid going 100 Sideways Miles. Not kidding. Why? You’ll have to read to find out. :|:
Meet the Author:
Andrew Smith is the award-winning author of several Young Adult novels, including the critically acclaimed WINGER (Starred reviews in Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, Booklist, and Shelf Awareness—an Amazon “Best of the Year”) and THE MARBURY LENS (A YALSA BFYA, and Starred reviews and Best of the Year in both Publishers Weekly and Booklist).
He is a native-born Californian who spent most of his formative years traveling the world. His university studies focused on Political Science, Journalism, and Literature. He has published numerous short stories and articles.
 STAND OFF, the sequel to WINGER, coming in January 2015, is his ninth novel. Andrew lives in Southern California.
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November 7th ~ Laura Kreitzer, Bestselling Author  – Review
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