That’s What HE Said Thursday #11: Tod Hudson

Posted May 8, 2014 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 5 Comments

That’s what HE said Thursday is a weekly meme hosted at Chapter Break where you post a favorite line of a book boyfriend to his heroine. It’s the perfect meme to share all those awesome quotes!
Tod, Tod, Tod, Tod, Tod <3 Today, it’s all about Tod Hudson from The Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent. The quote I’m going to share from my favorite reaper in the world is from book 6 in the series, Before I Wake.


“You’re the best girlfriend ever. Seriously. If I had a trophy, I’d give it to you … For being here. For saving my afterlife and my sanity. For making me look forward to every single day, instead of dreading eternity.”

                            Tod to Kaylee, Before I Wake

In this quote he is trying to let Kaylee know that she doesn’t need to try anything to win his heart because he loves her exactly as she is and he is glad for having her in his life. *Sigh* Whenever Tod opens his mouth I don’t know if I’ll turn into mush inside or laugh out loud or a mix of both! He’s just too good. Definitely a swoon-worthy book boyfriend.

5 responses to “That’s What HE Said Thursday #11: Tod Hudson

    • He is! <3. The Soul Screamers Series have the prettiest covers, you should take a look to all of them. I could stare at them all day!

  1. I need to give this series a try. My co-blogger, Julie, really liked this series. Todd sounds dreamy. I like a guy who can make me melt at the same time he makes me laugh… thanks for linking up!

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