Spring Book Tag

Posted March 24, 2016 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 3 Comments

Hi! So I decided to do the Spring Tag hosted by Beyond The Book Reviews and I’m Mad For Books, Luv for their monthly book tag! I had a lot of fun answering these bookish questions and am now looking forward for next month’s tag.
But for now, here we go!
1. What’s your Spring TBR?

For the following days I plan on reading:
Hidden Huntress by Danielle L. Jensen (re-read)
The Island by S. Usher Evans
Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard
The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury
+ more 😉
2. If someone asked you for a Spring release recommendation, what book would it be?

Liars and Losers Like Us by Ami Allen-Vath. This book is all kinds of amazing and must be at the top of your TBR!
3. Which two books are you eagerly awaiting that releases within the next two months?

I can’t wait to get my copies of ACOMAF and The Rose & the Dagger. Both stories are beautifully written and I know they won’t disappoint!
4. Which character would make a great Easter bunny?
Imma go with Puck from The Iron Fey series. He likes to change shapes so maybe he also likes to turn into a bunny? *giggles*
5. What book makes you think of Spring?

P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han. I’m not even sure if it takes place during spring, but it’s a bright, colorful book. Just like this season. ♥
6. Name a cover with flowers on it.

Not very springish, but it has flowers and it’s soooooo pretty!
7. Which two characters would you want to go on an Easter egg hunt with?

I would go with the troll twins Vincent and Victoria from The Malediction Trilogy because they know how to have fun and are pretty competitive. Plus, lots of puns and I do love puns.

8. What is your favorite bookish spring activity to do?

I love to touch and stare at my books.

9. Which book did you enjoy that had a Springish cover?

10. What is your favorite contemporary author?

Stephanie Perkins all the way! ♥

3 responses to “Spring Book Tag

  1. Lis

    I love this book tag! I'm so looking forward to read many of these books, mostly The Rose and the Dagger… and I love to stare at my books, too!

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