Author: Ransom Riggs

The Week’s Entrée #213

The Week’s Entrée #213

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée! AND HELLO FALL! Don’t you just LOVE this season!?!?! The colors! The shift in the air! THE FOOD. Okay, I must admit that in our side of Mexico we don’t get to have orange/yellow trees until late December BUT STILL, […]

Posted September 24, 2018

The Week’s Entrée #212

The Week’s Entrée #212

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée! Whoa, it’s been such a LONG time since I last did a The Week’s Entrée post! I have three excuses: One, we have had massive storms with floods so that has made my Internet a bit wonky! Two, work work […]

Posted September 18, 2018