Today I’m excited to participate in the Bookstagram & Creative Tour for The Eye of Elektron by Leigh G. Wynn hosted by MTMC Tours. This is the first book in The Sumrectian Series, a New Adult Fantasy series that was published on July 2nd, 2021.
Read below for my review of The Eye of Elektron plus an out-of-context character interview with Dawn. ❤ I enjoyed reading this book so much so I’m super excited to share my thoughts with you!! There is also an international giveaway going on in our instagram account that you must check out!
I received this book for free from MTMC Tours in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. Two souls from different realms. Bound by sacrifice. Torn by fate.The Eye of Elektron by Leigh G. Wynn
Series: The Sumrectian Series Book 1
Published by Leigh G. Wynn on July 2nd 2021
Genres: Fantasy, New Adult, Science Fiction
Pages: 395
Format: Kindle
Buy on Amazon|B&N
Source: MTMC Tours
For eleven years, Sumrects have trapped humans in an alternate realm where an ancient evil brews, awaiting its nemesis…
A nineteen-year-old human stands in the way, but she does not know it yet…
Dawn has more pressing matters at hand.
Competition to be Portrait Artist at Crimson Estate is fierce. One hour to paint. One lives. One dies. And participation is not voluntary.
To save her brother’s life, Dawn ensures her own execution by painting a magical device the Sumrects despise—the Eye of Elektron. Banned from use, the Eye of Elektron has not functioned since the failed human rebellion against Sumrectian tyranny eleven years ago.
Somehow, it comes to life in her hands...
And captures the attention of Ansel Cassadian, the most powerful Sumrect in a thousand years. Strangely, he seems to know everything about her difficult past—a past that holds the key to her future.
As evil threatens to destroy all she holds dear, Dawn must reawaken the Eye of Elektron in time to free the humans and save the Sumrect who risked his destiny to protect her.
Why you need to read The Eye of Elektron
“Power corrupts. No one should have a lot of it, including me.”
What an amazing start to The Sumrectian series! I was so thrilled to start reading The Eye of Elektron since science fiction is one of my favorite genres and let me say that I truly enjoyed it and it was so hard to put down. Now let me tell you the reasons why I enjoyed this book so much!
From the very beginning we learned how the Sumrects, or advanced superhumans, have control over this alternate realm where they dominate “normal humans”. However, not all of the Sumrects are evil, specially one named Ansel who is considered one of the most powerful and has one ambition: to thwart the current system and to change it to its original purpose of a world where Sumrects and humans live in harmony.
And that’s how we meet Dawn, our MC, who is desperately trying to lose a painting competition she is forced to attend in order for her brother to live. Now they are both extremely talented yet only the winner gets to survive while the loser is sentenced to death. But Dawn has a plan, she adds the Eye of Elektron to her painting as her last act of defiance against the Sumrect judges and immediately creates chaos. I loved Dawn from the very beginning! I felt so much for her and her brother and I just wanted her to escape and be safe. They have experienced loss and so much pain from a place that promised freedom so when the Eye of Elektron started responding to Dawn’s touch, hope (but also danger) appeared for everyone.
After the fiasco of the painting competition, Dawn gets rescued and transported to Chesterfield House, a safe haven created by Ansel. There she discovers a society where a Sumrects and humans live “peacefully”, but also that an organization known as Pathfinders are working hard to abolish oppression created by the evil Sumrects. I LOVED THAT PLACE. We immediately get to meet Kai and Delia, they both took care of Dawn upon her arrival and they were just the sweetest. We get to hang out with so many new characters as well and it was just so nice to get to know how this society worked. However, due to imminent war, soon everyone prepares to fight in order to defend their freedom.
One of the things that I enjoyed the most about this story was that we get to read so many POVs. Even though they are not as frequent as Dawn’s, we also get to read about Vance (the tyrant of this story), Ansel, and other random characters that either work as double agents or sympathizers between Sumrects and Pathfinders. In my opinion, it gives us a wider view as to what’s going on and it was very interesting to read about their motivations.
The Eye of Elektron was such an amazing read for me! I loved how the story eased your way into this new fantasy world throughout the eyes of Dawn. There is a lot of hurt and injustices in the Sumrectian series, but we also get to read about kindness, love, ambition and a revolution that works tirelessly against tyranny in the hopes that everyone can reach peace and harmony. The main theme of this book is immigration and how the promised land was not as peaceful as everyone hoped. Aah, there is so much going on in this story, I cannot wait to keep reading about Dawn’s story in the sequel to come! Very much recommended!!!
Out-of-context character interview with
Dawn from The Eye of Elektron!
Dawn, we are so happy to have you as our guest! I just finished The Eye of Elektron and I must say, I’m a fan! Tell us, how would you describe the painting competition at the beginning of the story?
Dawn: Dawn knew death awaited her at the hour’s end. She understood the rules well. One hour. Two painters. The weaker painter disposed of, the other appointed as Portrait Artist of Crimson Estate.
You must have been frightened, what were your thoughts during the competition?
Despite a death sentence hanging over her head, Dawn wondered at the beautiful sunrise—one of the few treasures from her childhood the Sumrects had not been able to steal. She might not live to see another day, but Dawn found peace in knowing through the upheavals that plagued each generation and lifetime, a truth remained constant: Even the darkest night gave way to light.
And how about your brother Henry? You must have been scared for him.
She promised her parents the night they left that she would take care of Henry. She kept her promise for the past eleven years, and she was not about to break it now.
Well, I’m glad you were able to escape, Sumrects are aweful! What were your thoughts about Pathfinders and how they were the reason you managed to survive?
Pathfinders? She had no idea a secret society of Pathfinders existed at the Estate. Vance’s iron fist rule quashed any hope the humans had of returning home. In the one year she worked at Crimson, she witnessed nothing but obedience and submission.
Vance is the worst, his brother Ansel is the complete opposite of him though. What was your first impression of him?
The image of an unkempt monster had already taken root in her mind, so she was shocked to find the guest clean-shaven and handsome, chuckling good-naturedly at what she had interpreted as a rather derogatory insult. Next to Vance’s golden presence, Ansel’s dark hair and black attire struck a stark contrast, and his soft-spoken voice could not have been more disarming.
I loved Ansel, Chesterfield House was fascinating! Can you tell us a bit about it?
Chesterfield House was an architectural wonder unlike anything Dawn had ever seen. A legless round marble table hovered in midair over an intricate mosaic flooring. On the walls hung ocean watercolor paintings framed by tiny, braided streams much like the necklace Moira received for her birthday.
Such a beautiful place! I was thrilled when you got there. Tell us about Kai and Delia!
Something about Kai and Delia reminded her of home, and Dawn could not help but trust them. Together, they walked up the stony path leading to Chesterfield House.
They really are the best! And omg, what did you feel when you grabbed the Eye of Elektron for the first time?
As her fingers touched the glass, the amber core emitted a beautiful yellow light. She squeezed it in her hand until the light shone brighter. Is it supposed to glow? How is that possible?
That was fantastic!! Thank you so much for chatting with us, cannot wait for everyone to meet you!
INTL Tour-wide Instagram Giveaway!
Head over to my Instagram account to enter the tour giveaway where you can win:
– A signed paperback copy
– A bookmark
– Ansel Cassadian’s (one of the MCs) handkerchief
– $20 Amazon gift card
Ends on November 20th, 2021. Winners will be announced on @mtmctours’ Instagram account.
Tour Schedule:
November 8
@paperfury – Bookstagram & Book Blog
November 9
@dreaminginpages – Bookstagram
November 10
@thereaderandthechef – Bookstagram & Book Blog
November 11
@moonlight_rendezvous – Bookstagram
November 12
@alara_reads – Bookstagram
November 13
@pavlinamich – Bookstagram & Book Blog
November 14
@the_bookaddict – Bookstagram
November 15
@grimreaderx – Bookstagram & Book Blog
November 16
@angelsmomreads – Bookstagram
November 17
@chloes.readingcorner – BookstagramBook Blog
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