The Week’s Entrée #189

Posted March 5, 2018 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!

I’ve come to realize that I didn’t really post anything last week and it’s kind of silly since I actually had some posts ready! Guess my mind has been busy with family coming over and other duties, but thankfully things are returning to normal on my end!

I HAVE been reading a bit more and good reads at that, so expect a few reviews soon!


This week my friend Becky from The Life of a Booknerd Addict and I are hosting another #MTMC18 chat! It will be this Friday at 8pm EST and we are hosting the main character of Nothing But Sky by Amy Trueblood! This is an amazing YA Historical novel about a wing walker set on performing in an Aviation Expo, and I’m pretty sure you guys will LOVE it!

Hope to see you there! ♥

New books!

{For review}
From authors, publishers, Netgalley/Edelweiss, etc.

Last week Harlequin Teen killed me when they sent me an ARC of Julie Kagawa’s upcoming book, Shadow of the Fox! I never thought I’d ever receive an ARC of the author that got me into book blogging, so it’s literally a dream come true!

Huge thanks to @PRHInternational (#PRHPartner) for the review copy of  The Beauty That Remains by Ashley Woodfolk. My tour stop in the international blog tour for this book is on  March 13th on YA Books Central! 🙂
To Read This Week:

Quickly starting my read of The Beauty That Remains this week. I am so excited!!!♥

And that’s it for this edition of The Week’s Entrée! What are you all reading? 🙂

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