#TRTCGiveaways Spotlight: People Like Us by Dana M. Mele!

Posted December 26, 2017 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

It’s Day 26 in the 31 DAYS OF INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAYS on Instagram! Today we are excited to feature PEOPLE LIKE US by Dana M. Mele! This is a queer YA Psychological Thriller about an all-girls private school and perfect for fans of Mean Girls & Pretty Little Liars! Read more about it below and check out the amazing giveaway we are hosting found at the end of this post. Enjoy! ♥

People Like Us by Dana Mele
February 27th, 2018 from G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young 

YA Psychological Thriller

Kay Donovan may have skeletons in her closet, but the past is past, and she’s reinvented herself entirely. Now she’s a star soccer player whose group of gorgeous friends run their private school with effortless popularity and acerbic wit. But when a girl’s body is found in the lake, Kay’s carefully constructed life begins to topple. 

The dead girl has left Kay a computer-coded scavenger hunt, which, as it unravels, begins to implicate suspect after suspect, until Kay herself is in the crosshairs of a murder investigation. But if Kay’s finally backed into a corner, she’ll do what it takes to survive. Because at Bates Academy, the truth is something you make…not something that happened.

Instagram Giveaway!

The amazing Dana M. Mele is giving away an ARC of PEOPLE LIKE US! Giveaway is open International! Enter by clicking the image below. ♥

About Dana M. Mele

Dana Mele writes YA novels along with all manner of short fiction and nonfiction. She is a licensed attorney as well as a writer.

Dana’s debut novel PEOPLE LIKE US is forthcoming from G.P. Putnam’s Sons in 2018 and she is currently working on her second, also to be released by Putnam.

Her short stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Buffalo Almanack, Typehouse Literary Magazine, Jersey Devil Press, Lunch Ticket, and Bird’s Thumb, among others.

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