#TRTCGiveaways Spotlight & Excerpt: Threats of Sky and Sea by Jennifer Ellision!

Posted December 24, 2017 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

It’s Day 23 in the 31 DAYS OF INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAYS on Instagram! Today we are happy to feature THREATS OF SKY AND SEA by Jennifer Ellision! This is the first book in a YA Fantasy trilogy about elemental powers! Read more about it below and check out the amazing giveaway we are hosting found at the end of this post. Enjoy! ♥

Threats of Sky and Sea by Jennifer Ellision
May 20th, 2014 from Createspace

YA Fantasy

Sixteen year-old Breena Perdit has spent her life as a barmaid, innocent to her father’s past and happily free from the Elemental gifts that would condemn her to a life in the Egrian King’s army. Until the day that three Elemental soldiers recognize her father as a traitor to the throne and Bree’s father is thrown in jail—along with the secrets from his last mission as the King’s assassin. Secrets that could help the King win a war. Secrets he refuses to share.

Desperate to escape before the King’s capricious whims prove her and her father’s downfall, Bree bargains with him: information for their lives. It’s a good trade. And she has faith she’ll get them both out of the King’s grasp with time.

But that was before the discovery that she’s the weapon the King’s been waiting for in his war.

Now, time is running out. To save her father’s life and understand her own, Bree must unravel the knot of her father’s past before the King takes his life– and uses her to bring a nation to its knees.


Read an Excerpt!

“Da.” I rap sharply on his door. Light taps won’t do anything to rouse him; Da sleeps like the dead sometimes. A brief shuffling issues from inside the room before he’s blinking into the unexpected light of my candle.
“The inn had better be burning down,” he says, rubbing wakefulness into his brown eyes.
That’s not completely out of the question. I think fleetingly of the two Torchers I’ve left downstairs with a Rider who could fan the flames. Striving for nonchalance, I say, “Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. I need you downstairs for a moment.”
He grumbles but pulls his quilt from his pallet without further protests, winding it around his body like a caterpillar in a cocoon to follow me.
“Got a squad of Elementals here that say they’re on the trail of a truant,” I explain as we descend. “Figured you could put in an appearance and we’ll both get back to bed quick enough once they realize whoever they’re looking for isn’t here.”
He stops dead on the second floor landing.
I hold my candle higher. Maybe it’s just the flickering light, but I would swear I’ve never seen that look on his face before. He’s clutching his quilt tighter. His fists are clenched around the edge.
“What—” he croaks and clears his throat. “What exactly did you tell them?”
A tremor of anxiety runs through me, sending my weariness fleeing. Why does he look worried? “That it’s ridiculous,” I say slowly. “It is, isn’t it?”
Comprehension dawns over Da’s features. Dread hooks into my stomach with clawed talons. He doesn’t respond but sets his quilt down on the landing and thumps down the stairs, shoulders squared. He’s walking with a grim resignation. Like a man on his way to his own execution. A chill steals over me.
“Da?” I fly down the steps behind him, heart pounding, wings suddenly at my feet. He’s already taking the last few steps into the tavern when I catch up with him.
I take a worried look at the Elementals. Tregle looks to be practically asleep on his feet and Baunnid slides a tankard back and forth across the counter between his hands with a bored look on his face.
Katerine turns when we bang into the room. A slow predatory smile slides across her face, revealing gleaming white teeth that could rip skin from bone. “Hello, Ardie,” she purrs.
That’s Da’s name.
I look back and forth between the two of them as fear tears into me anew. It suddenly feels as if the ground beneath me has vanished and my stomach is plummeting as I fall.
Da nods once, stiffly, and raises his chin.
“Hello, Kat.”

Instagram Giveaway!

The amazing Jennifer Ellision is giving away a SIGNED copy of THREATS OF SKY AND SEA. Giveaway is open International! Enter by clicking the image below. ♥

About Jennifer Ellision

Jennifer Ellision spent a great deal of her childhood staying up past her bedtime with a book and a flashlight. When she couldn’t find the stories she wanted to read, she started writing them. She loves words, has a soft spot for fanfiction, and is a master of the fangirl flail. She resides in South Florida with her family, where she lives in fear of temperatures below 60 Fahrenheit.

Jennifer is the author of the Young Adult fantasy, Over Raging Tides, YA fantasy series, Threats of Sky and Sea, and the New Adult contemporary novel, Now and Again.

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