#TRTCGiveaways Spotlight: Fathoms Below by Laura Holt

Posted December 18, 2017 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

It’s Day 18 in the 31 DAYS OF INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAYS on Instagram! Today we are stoked to spotlight FATHOMS BELOW by Laura Holt! This is a YA Fantasy novel about a girl who has sworn off of love since her entire family has suffered from a star crossed curse for centuries, but as she meets a winged boy named Hermes, she soon learns that fairytales and Greek mythology might be more real than fiction!!! (Doesn’t that sound amazing?!) . Read more about it below and check out the epic giveaway we are hosting found at the end of this post. Enjoy! ♥

Fathoms Below by Laura Holt
November 30th, 2016 from The Book Patch

YA Fantasy

Cather Stevens doesn’t love.
Not now, not ever. She has spent her entire life watching love ruin her mother, her aunts, her cousins, her grandmother, and she made a vow a long time ago that she would never let that happen to her. But when she meets a winged boy named Hermes who tells her that she is the key to ending the star crossed curse that has plagued the women in her family for centuries, she will have to redefine everything she knows about love, life, and herself.
With more than just her own heart on the line, she must find the location of her great-great grandmother’s diary. It was hidden long ago, fathoms below her town, and holds the answers to all of her questions, especially one: are the fairy tales and Greek myths that she grew up hearing actually fiction like she was taught to believe, or are they something more…something real?

Instagram Giveaway!

The amazing Laura Holt is giving away a SIGNED copy of FATHOMS BELOW + a themed bookmark! Giveaway is open International! Enter by clicking the image below. ♥

About Laura Holt

Laura Holt lives in a small Georgia town with her daughter. When she’s not writing, she’s either reading, working out, coming up with new and exciting ways to promote her books, or spending time with her daughter. A few of their favorite past times include watching shows like Merlin on Netflix, shopping, and going treasure hunting. Laura is also active in the children’s ministry at her local church, is addicted to Pinterest, loves anything chocolate (as long as it doesn’t have soy in it), and is always looking for a new way to get her daily adrenaline fix.

2 responses to “#TRTCGiveaways Spotlight: Fathoms Below by Laura Holt

  1. I swear the girl at the end will fall in love with the boy and stuff :))))))))))))))))))))))) Romance books are nice :)))))) Hope I win so I would read it instead of waiting for like forever waiting for the book to come to my town

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