31 Days of International Giveaways: Of Gryphons and Other Monsters by Shannon McGee

Posted December 7, 2017 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

It’s Day 6 in the 31 DAYS OF INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAYS on Instagram! Today I’m super happy to host Shannon McGee and her book, Of Gryphons and Other Monsters. I LOVE this cover and it sounds freaking amazing, so be sure to read more about it below and enter the giveaway, link is at the bottom of this post. Enjoy! ♥

Of Gryphons and Other Monsters by Shannon McGee
November 24th, 2017 

YA Fantasy

Taryn, a young shepherd from the mountains, is more than happy with the life she has been dealt. On the other hand, it is no secret that her twin brother longs for more than the drudgery of shepherding. When a mad gryphon begins to ravage local livestock a band of mercenaries is called to town to deal with them. As the twins become embroiled in a magical conflict that threatens to tear them apart, Taryn must decide who it is she can truly trust. 
A novel set in a whole new world, one populated by warriors, monsters, and magic, ‘Of Gryphons and Other Monsters’ is the first in the ‘Taryn’s Journey’ quartet.

Instagram Giveaway!

The lovely Shannon McGee is giving away a paperback copy of OF GRYPHONS AND OTHER MONSTERS. Giveaway is open International! Enter by clicking the image below!

About Shannon McGee

I’m Shannon McGee, avid gardener, dog and cat mom of four, amateur artist, and most importantly I’m a writer of fantasy YA.

Since I was young I’ve been a reader. Mostly I have been a lover of fantasy, since that is where my obsession with books began. Still, there were some stories I wanted to read that I just couldn’t find, and you know what they say—if the story you want to read hasn’t been written you must write it. I turned to making my own maps and filling those maps with people and then giving those people histories and stories to tell.

Of Gryphons and Other Monsters is my debut novel, but it’s not going to sit by itself for long. Taryn’s Journey is a quartet, and the world in which she lives has another series waiting in the wings.

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