Waiting on Wednesday #36: Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston

Posted August 9, 2017 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 4 Comments

Hi everyone! Welcome to another “Waiting on Wednesday” post (meme hosted by Breaking the Spine!). 
This week I am waiting on:

Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston
February 27th 2018, Balzer + Bray
YA Science Fiction
An action-packed tale full of romance, royalty, and adventure, inspired by the story of Anastasia. Perfect for fans of Six of Crows, Cinder, and the cult classic television show Firefly.

Seventeen-year-old Ana is a scoundrel by nurture and an outlaw by nature. Found as a child drifting through space with a sentient android called D09, Ana was saved by a fearsome space captain and the grizzled crew she now calls family. But D09—one of the last remaining illegal Metals—has been glitching, and Ana will stop at nothing to find a way to fix him.

Ana’s desperate effort to save D09 leads her on a quest to steal the coordinates to a lost ship that could offer all the answers. But at the last moment, a spoiled Ironblood boy beats Ana to her prize. He has his own reasons for taking the coordinates, and he doesn’t care what he’ll sacrifice to keep them.

When everything goes wrong, she and the Ironblood end up as fugitives on the run. Now their entire kingdom is after them—and the coordinates—and not everyone wants them captured alive.

What they find in a lost corner of the universe will change all their lives—and unearth dangerous secrets. But when a darkness from Ana’s past returns, she must face an impossible choice: does she protect a kingdom that wants her dead or save the Metal boy she loves?

I. NEED. THIS. BOOK. NOW. NOW. NOW. Ashley Poston is one of my new favorite authors thanks to her awesome debut novel, Geekerella. I didn’t expect for her to publish a new book so soon, but I am not complaining! Have you looked at that fabulous cover?!?! I’m not much of a sci-fi fan but if it’s coming from Ashley Poston then you bet I will be first in line to read it! (Or as soon as I can get a copy) ♥


What are you waiting on this week? 🙂

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