Book Review: These Dark Wings by John Owen Theobald

Posted July 15, 2017 by Isabel in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

Title: These Dark Wings
Serie: Ravenmaster Trilogy #1

Author: John Owen Theobald
Genre: Middle Grade/ Historical Fiction

Published: February 11th 2016
Publisher: Head of Zeus
Page count: 320 pages

Format: Hardcover
Source: from Giveaway

Book Summary:
After her mother is killed in the Blitz and her father in the North Sea, 12-year-old Anna Cooper is sent to live with an uncle she has never met – the Ravenmaster at the Tower of London.

Amid the Tower’s old secrets and hidden ghosts, the ravens begin to disappear and Anna must brave the war-torn city to find them.

With Nazi forces massing on the other side of the Channel, the fate of Britain might be at stake, for an ancient legend foretells that Britain will fall if the ravens ever leave the Tower.
*The Chef’s Review*
    Actual rating: 3/5 stars

These Dark Wings was a fast and easy book to read for me. When I first started reading it I had no previous knowledge of the Tower of London so it was a bit of a struggle to imagine the scenery. Luckily, Netflix started adding a few documentaries about London and there was one specifically dedicated to this place. It was amazing! I quickly felt drawn to its history which made me want to read this book faster. 

Anna Cooper is the main character in These Dark Wings. After her mother’s death, she was forced to live in the Tower of London with her uncle and the many people that live inside it. It is a very strict place to live in, specially for a twelve year old girl in the middle of WWII. Everything in her live changes– her house, her friends, her school, the food she eats, even her responsibilities as a kid. Anna has a hard time getting used to her new life and even befriends a boy named Timothy Squire that also has a hard time getting along inside the tower. Even though they are both outcasts, I liked  the relationship they both develop with each other. 

She soon takes up the job to help her uncle take care of the ravens in the tower. There is an old saying written inside those walls that says: ‘If the ravens leave the tower, Britain will fall’. That is something that Anna takes to heart. This was such a simple quest for the main character, to spend time with ravens, but I liked reading about her growing fond of them.

Final Verdict: 

All in all, I thought this was a good book. I love the fact that it left me with new information about London that I didn’t know about. I also enjoyed the details of the place and the inside scoop of the Tower of London through the eyes of Anna. I’ve already read the sequel and I can tell you that this series gets better and, if you are a fan of historical fiction, you might want to have this on your TBR!

2 responses to “Book Review: These Dark Wings by John Owen Theobald

  1. Hmmm I haven't read a good historical fiction book in a while but I like the way this one sounds so I might pick it up. Thanks for getting it on my radar!

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