The Week’s Entrée #149

Posted May 8, 2017 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of The Week’s Entrée!

So my sister and I finally caved and we started watching our first Anime! It’s called Swort Art Online and omggggg the FEELS. It’s like basically watching a mix between Julie Kagawa’s The Iron Fey series and Danielle L. Jensen’s Stolen Songbird. We really hit the jackpot. We are almost done with season two and we  just love it so much. The characters, the settings (virtual reality MMPORG!!) and did I mention THE CHARACTERS?? It’s like watching our favorite YA characters come to life. They are seriously awesome and we don’t know what we’ll do when we are done with the anime.  Just look at Kirito and Asuna *cries*.


Has anyone watched it? If so, what other animes should we try that are extremely similar to this one? 😀

New books!

{For review}
From publishers, authors, Netgalley/Edelweiss, etc.

The other day I was browsing Edelweiss and I noticed these two, plus the one below, were available as “Read Now” for me! I don’t really know how this happened (a lot of people didn’t have access to it??) but I’m really thrilled and grateful towards the publishers for granting me access. Warcross by Marie Lu and The Hush by Skye Melki-Wegner sound and look amazing.

Same goes for That Inevitable Victorian Thing by E.K. Johnston. The cover alone just calls me in. Cannot wait to read it!!!


So excited to now own My Lady Jane by The Lady Janies and Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han! ♥ I’m sooo nervous and happy to finally have these copies in my hands and I might jump right into them pretty soon!!

I purchased kindle copies of The Falconer and The Vanishing Throne by Elizabeth May and I have no regrets (until now, I hope never). I’ve been eyeing this series for a while and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to buy them while they were on sale! Have you read this series?


To Read This Week:

I’m still reading Dumplin’ but I will finish this week, I promise! Plus, it’s pretty good. And last night I started reading the first chapter of The Hundredth Queen by Emily R. King! Gotta say, it starts off really well and I have such high hopes for it. ♥


And that’s it for The Week’s Entrée! What are you all reading? 🙂

2 responses to “The Week’s Entrée #149

  1. So many awesome new books! Happy reading! And yay for starting to watch anime 😀 I haven't watched Sword Art Online, but my younger sister loved it but stopped watching midway because she said the second half wasn't as good as the first. If you're ever looking for more anime to watch by genre, I have sooo many favorites to recommend, so just ask 🙂

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  2. Wow, the cover for The Hush is stunning and really intrigues me! And I have been falling in love with the cover of That Inevitable Victorian Thing more every time I see it. You really just have a post of incredible books today! 🙂 The only anime I've ever watched is Death Note, and that was aaages ago — Sword Art Online sounds so good, you might have just inspired me to go check it out. Great post! 🙂

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