Waiting on Wednesday #21: Den of Shadows by Christopher Byford

Posted April 19, 2017 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 6 Comments

Hi everyone! Welcome to another “Waiting on Wednesday” post (meme hosted by Breaking the Spine!). 
This week I am waiting on:

Den of Shadows by Christopher Byford
May 12th 2017, HQ Digital
YA Fantasy
The Gambler’s Den weaves its away across the desert… But will it stop at your station?
While fighting off poverty in the blistering desert heat a travelling casino offers one night of solace. One night to forget all your troubles. But once on board there is more to the show than meets the eye: enter Franco, the elaborate ringleader, Wyld the stowaway thief and Misu the fire breathing showgirl.

In a kingdom ruled by the law Franco ensures his den remains in line, ruling with an iron first. But when he’s faced with saving the fate of the train, and those on board, he may be forced to break his own rules. Life on the den isn’t just a job but a way of life. And now you’re about to find out why!

Welcome to the den…

Den of Shadows is promoted as “Perfect for fans of Caraval, Rebel of the Sands, and The Night Circus” so I’m pretty intrigued! I have not read Caraval yet and I’m barely 1/4th into The Night Circus (loving the audiobook!) but this kind of magical reads always pull me in and I know it will be a great read. Also, A TRAVELLING CASINO. Doesn’t that sound so cool?????


What are you waiting on this week? 🙂

6 responses to “Waiting on Wednesday #21: Den of Shadows by Christopher Byford

  1. Ooo this sounds so good! I read caraval and really enjoyed the story but for some reason I just couldn't get into the night circus. This sounds interesting to me though, plus it's not very long until it's released! I'm definately adding this to my TBR! Great pick.

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