Waiting on Wednesday #7: Romeo & What’s Her Name by Shani Petroff

Posted November 30, 2016 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 1 Comment

Hi everyone! Welcome to another “Waiting on Wednesday” post (meme hosted by Breaking the Spine!). 
This week I am waiting on:

Romeo & What’s Her Name by Shani Petroff
February 7th 2017, Swoon Reads
YA Contemporary
An unprepared understudy is forced to take the stage with her secret crush in this YA romantic comedy of errors.

Understudies never get to perform

. . . which is why being Juliet’s understudy in the school’s yearly “Evening with Shakespeare” is the perfect role for Emily. She can earn some much-needed extra credit while pursuing her main goal of spending time with Wes, aka Romeo, aka the hottest, nicest guy in school (in her completely unbiased opinion). And she meant to learn her lines, really, it’s just:
a) Shakespeare is HARD,
b) Amanda, aka the “real” Juliet, makes her run errands instead of lines, and
c) there’s no point because Amanda would never miss the chance to be the star of the show. 

Then, Amanda ends up in the hospital and Emily, as the (completely unprepared!) understudy, has to star opposite the guy of her dreams. Oops?

CUTENESS OVERLOAD! Ever since my friend Becky from Book Nerd Addict told me about this book, I have been having trouble from keeping it out of my mind. I love fun, fluffy contemporary romances with a dash of second-hand embarrassment and this book promises it all. Eeeep! Give it to me, I needs it. ♥


What are you waiting on this week? 🙂

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