Waiting on Wednesday #3: Freeks by Amanda Hocking

Posted October 26, 2016 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 8 Comments

Hi everyone! Welcome to another “Waiting on Wednesday” post (meme hosted by Breaking the Spine!). 
This week I am waiting on:

Freeks by Amanda Hocking
January 3rd 2017, St. Martin’s Griffin
YA Paranormal
Welcome to Gideon Davorin’s Traveling Sideshow, where necromancy, magical visions, and pyrokinesis are more than just part of the act…

Mara has always longed for a normal life in a normal town where no one has the ability to levitate or predict the future. Instead, she roams from place to place, cleaning the tiger cage while her friends perform supernatural feats every night.

When the struggling sideshow is miraculously offered the money they need if they set up camp in Caudry, Louisiana, Mara meets local-boy Gabe…and a normal life has never been more appealing.

But before long, performers begin disappearing and bodes are found mauled by an invisible beast. Mara realizes that there’s a sinister presence lurking in the town with its sights set on getting rid of the sideshow freeks. In order to unravel the truth before the attacker kills everyone Mara holds dear, she has seven days to take control of a power she didn’t know she was capable of—one that could change her future forever.

Bestselling author Amanda Hocking draws readers inside the dark and mysterious world of Freeks.

Doesn’t this look AWESOME? I’ve only read The Hollows series by Amanda Hocking (super creepy and amazing and about zombies btw) but I’ve also heard that her Trylle trilogy and Kanin Chronicles are pretty great reads as well so this book, besides having a freakin’ amazing cover, should be a fabulous read. Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!!!

What are you waiting on this week? 🙂

8 responses to “Waiting on Wednesday #3: Freeks by Amanda Hocking

  1. Amanda Hocking sounds so familiar! i've seen this book everywhere although it looks like Middle Grade at first glance. Thanks for letting me know about this!

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz

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