Double Review: ReMade Episodes 1 & 2

Posted October 11, 2016 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

Title: Shadows and Dreams
Serial: ReMade #1.1

Authors: Matthew Cody, Gwenda Bond, Carrie Harris, Kiersten White, Andrea Phillips, E.C. Myers 

Genre: YA Sci-Fi
Publisher: Serial Box Publishing
Publication Date:  September 14th, 2016
Page Count:  32 pages
Format:  eARC
Source: From Publisher

You live. You love. You die. Now RUN. ReMade.

Every minute, 108 people die. 
On October 14th, 2016, from 9:31-9:32 p.m. EDT, 23 of those deaths will be teenagers. 
Now they are humanity’s last hope for survival. 

Awakened in a post-apocalyptic world and hunted by mechanical horrors, these teens search for answers amidst the ruins of civilization. Fate, love, and loyalty face off in this adrenaline -pumping YA adventure.

ReMade will unfold across 15 episodes. “Shadows and Dreams” is the first episode. 

Holden Black never imagined his crush knew his name, much less that he’d suddenly be driving her to a party. But life can change in a second, especially when you’re 16. A look. A flash of headlights. A scream. What do you do when the unexpected jumps straight to the unbelievable, the dream becomes a nightmare, and waking changes everything except your heart’s desire?

This episode written by Matthew Cody.

*The Reader’s Review*
My rating: 5/5 stars

Shadows and Dreams is the first episode in the YA Sci-Fi serial ReMade written by authors Matthew Cody, Gwenda Bond, Carrie Harris, Kiersten White, Andrea Phillips, and E.C. Myers. If you are not familiar with serials, they consist of episodes that are released separately like a T.V. series, and in the case of Remade, each episode is release each week and written by a different author.

This first episode is written by Matthew Cody and it’s freaking awesome. I read it before going to bed and it had me HOOKED from page one. It starts with a boy named Holden who finds himself in a broom closet during a play rehearsal and as luck would have it, offers his big time crush a ride to a party. Unfortunately, the car crashes, but instead of both of them dying, they suddenly wake up in a strange place with new terrors awaiting them.

It’s hard to not give much away, but boy, let me tell you all that this episode, and the whole serial, is one of the coolest things I have read in the last few months. I loved the panic and distress from the characters. The unknown and mystery to their situation. I cannot wait to uncover everything and see where it all goes. 

If you are looking for a different kind of reading experience, then I highly suggest you try out ReMade. Shadows and Dreams is free to download and/or listen, so if you want to give it a try, now is the perfect time! You won’t regret it 😀


Title: Hungry
Serial: ReMade #1.2

Authors: Andrea Phillips, E.C. Myers, Matthew Cody, Gwenda Bond, Carrie Harris, Kiersten White 

Genre: YA Sci-Fi
Publisher: Serial Box Publishing
Publication Date:  September 21st, 2016
Page Count:  39 pages
Format:  eARC
Source: From Publisher

You live. You love. You die. Now RUN. ReMade.

Every minute, 108 people die. 
On October 14th, 2016, from 9:31-9:32 p.m. EDT, 23 of those deaths will be teenagers. 
Now they are humanity’s last hope for survival. 

Awakened in a post-apocalyptic world and hunted by mechanical horrors, these teens search for answers amidst the ruins of civilization. Fate, love, and loyalty face off in this adrenaline -pumping YA adventure.

ReMade will unfold across 15 episodes. “Hungry” is the second episode.

May likes being in control: with an obsessive drive to succeed and her aim set on Harvard, she knows how to keep her life on course. Plucked from her whirlwind of tests and achievement charts, and dropped into a world where civilization itself has crumbled, she wants more than just answers. But living with deadly allergies means you’re always on the razor edge – one peanut, one bee sting, one toe out of line could be your downfall, and nobody wants to die twice.

This episode written by Andrea Phillips. 

*The Reader’s Review*
My rating: 4/5 stars

After reading Shadows and Dreams, the first episode in the ReMade serial, I quickly moved on to this episode because I needed to know what was going on with the post-apocalyptic world teenagers are being forced to live in for unknown reasons. In this episode we get a look at what happens when a character who has severe food allergies, is forced to go hungry in fear of eating something that will trigger them.

I don’t think I’ve ever come across a dystopic/sci-fi book where one of the characters has  had food allergies before, so I was pretty curious to see how May would survive it…or not. I love how this second episode goes for the more realistic side of human sensitivities that are often forgotten or dismissed in post-apocalyptic books because of set-backs that will make storylines harder to write. Things like food allergies are hard to deal with when a heroine is busy trying to save the world or exploring new foreign grounds, so I know it is easier to have someone completely healthy running around, but isn’t it more realistic to show how someone has to face new challenges when she/he already has their own to deal with? I personally love it this way since it makes me feel a bit better about my survival possibilities in case I’m ever stuck in my own Sci-fi/dystopic story.

With that said, Hungry turns out to be a slower read but still so interesting to read about. I wish we get to see May more in action soon and what new challenges this new world will throw her way.

Now I’m off to read Episode 3: Home, Perilous Home written by Carrie Harris!

2 responses to “Double Review: ReMade Episodes 1 & 2

  1. Lis

    Wait! The page count is 39? Woah! So short and it looks fantastic. I def have to add it to my TBR now! Sounds like a great and different read!

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