The *Very Late* Week’s Entrée #118

Posted October 6, 2016 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

Hi everyone! Welcome to a very late edition of The Week’s Entrée!

Sorry for my silence in the last few days but The Chef and I went on a small trip to California and we did not take our laptop to work on the blog. I tried to write posts with my phone but I quickly got frustrated and abandoned the whole idea. And of course, I did not schedule any blog posts for these days *face palm*.

Anyway, we had a lot of fun in California!  We visited Casa de Fruta near Hollister and it was so prettily decorated for fall. We actually made a quick bookish photo-shoot session with our copies of Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo. 😀 We bought lots of candies, but my favorite were some delicious chocolate covered peanuts. 

Six of Crows looks so pretty ♥

Seriously, this duology is so photogenic!

I want a truck just like that! Aaaand that’s me on the right LOL.

We visited for the first time Los Angeles’ Central Library and it’s HUGE. I still cannot comprehend WHY it took us so long to visit it (I mean, we used to live near it!). Also, the parking lot is pretty expensive so try to park outside if you visit (learned that the hard way lol).

And we also hung out in LA’s Central Market! We ate some yummy tacos because we ♥ tacos and it’s sort of a tradition to us despite all the other amazing food joints. 

We visited some other places, but these were our highlights of the trip. Can’t wait to visit again soon! ♥

In other news… HAPPY HALLOWEEN MONTH. October is such a great month, isn’t it? :D♥

Latest review on YABC:

I reviewed Replica by Lauren Oliver on YA Books Central

I really liked the format of Replica and the two MC’s. This book is kind of sci-fi mixed with contemporary and it gives you the option to read it as in separate stories or in alternating chapters. I chose to read it side-by-side in alternating chapters, starting with Lyra and switching to Gemma after every chapter. This is how I would recommend people to read it to avoid spoiling yourself a few surprises. 😉

Here’s the book’s summary:

Gemma has been in and out of hospitals since she was born. ‘A sickly child’, her lonely life to date has revolved around her home, school and one best friend, Alice. But when she discovers her father’s connection to the top secret Haven research facility, currently hitting the headlines and under siege by religious fanatics, Gemma decides to leave the sanctuary she’s always known to find the institute and determine what is going on there and why her father’s name seems inextricably linked to it.

Amidst the frenzy outside the institute’s walls, Lyra – or number 24 as she is known as at Haven – and a fellow experimental subject known only as 72, manage to escape. Encountering a world they never knew existed outside the walls of their secluded upbringing , they meet Gemma and, as they try to understand Haven’s purpose together, they uncover some earth-shattering secrets that will change the lives of both girls forever… 

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New books!

{For review}
From publishers, authors, Netgalley/Edelweiss, etc.
Got Under Rose-Tainted Skies from Netgalley since it was as “Read now”. The Chef is currently reading and loving it. Also thanks to L.A. Kelley for the review copy of Rimrider!

This is my physical haul from my trip to California! ♥

To Read This Week:

I’m buddy-reading The Iron King by Julie Kagawa with two other book bloggers! ♥ I’m so so SO excited to re-read this series because it’s THE BEST. I’m currently getting all the feels and aaaaaah.  ♥♥♥ You have to read it if you haven’t yet!

And that’s it for The Week’s Entrée! What are you all reading? 🙂

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