Classic Fridays #4: Back To School Reads

Posted August 26, 2016 by Melissa in Uncategorized / 1 Comment

Hi everyone! Welcome to another post of CLASSIC FRIDAYS, a brand new weekly meme created by the wonderful Team Gray members of BBCP (Book Blogger Creativity Project).

What is Classic Fridays? A set of questions that can be answered about any book/series. A topic will be chosen every week and with each topic, there will be a set of questions. These topics will range from your TBR to Current Reads and everything bookish in-between! For more info about this meme and future topics, you can visit this page. You can also sign-up to receive next week’s topic HERE.
This Week’s Topic:
… Back to School …

(Readers who are not in school are welcome to answer this week’s questions based on their school years or what they’d wish to have read during school!)

How many books do you read per month during the school year?
I used to read around 60 books in my college years and around 30 in my other stages of school.

Do you usually enjoy reading books assigned by your school?
Not the books assigned to me when I was in Middle and High School. They were mostly spanish “classics” and were totally complicated/boring. The assigned reading in Mexican schools (at least in my state) are the reason why there aren’t many readers here. I hate how they only promote books based on violence and weird stuff. Except Don Quijote, that was nice.

What has been your favorite assigned read?

I’ll have to go back to my Elementary school years for this one and say Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. This book remains as my favorite classic. It’s such a beautiful book, so heart-warming and heart-breaking at the same time, and it’s about a horse! Have you seen the movie? Is lovely too! ♥

Which required read was the hardest to get through and why?

It was one called El Llano en Llamas by Juan Rulfo and it was SO. Weird. Hated every second of it.

Were they always classic novels or also recent books?
It was a mix, but never really great or memorable books. They didn’t even make us read Shakespeare, and I wanted that kind of reads. I had to go to the school library on my own and check out The Odyssey and such to get my fill of good books.

Which books do you wish your school would mark as “required reading” and why? ( #ClassicFridays Bookstagram prompt)

From my YA stack, I wish schools would add books like The Fire Horse Girl by Kay Honeyman because they promote diversity and give insight on different cultures. Also, I wish schools in Mexico would give you free reign to pick a new/popular book that looks interesting, like Illuminae.

What is one book that you had to read for school?

Lord of the Flies was a must read with one teacher. Actually, this book was not bad at all, but you get what I mean about morbid/difficult reads? Lord of the Flies is not a light read.

What genre was it in? Is it something that you normally read?
It’s like a Dystopian book. I used to read a lot of dystopian books but I haven’t read many in this year.

Would you have picked up this book by yourself?
Maybe after I read The Hunger Games, it had that same survival type kind of feeling.

What activities did your class do with this book?
Book reports, class discussions & we watched the movie. For a month. It kind of got tiring at the end. But overall, I enjoyed this read.

Don’t forget to leave me a link to your Classic Fridays post if you participate! ♥

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